
lonely [ˈləʊnli]  [ˈloʊnli] 




lonely 基本解释

形容词寂寞的; 孤独的,孤单的; 荒凉的,幽静的; 在孤单中度过的

lonely 同义词

形容词lone unaccompanied isolated friendless solitary alone desolate lonesome

lonely 反义词

形容词animated gay

lonely 相关例句



1. When his wife died, he was very lonely.

2. The lonely old man worked his life away like a work horse.

3. He felt almost intolerably lonely.

4. Working as a writer can be a very lonely existence.

lonely 网络解释

1. 孤单:你必须要能够分辨两个字:孤单(lonely)和单独(alone). 在字典里面,它们的含义是一样的,但是那些一直在静心的人,他们都知道那个差别. 它们是不一样的,它们是非常不同的. 孤单是一件丑陋的事,孤单是一件令人沮丧的事,它是一种悲伤,

2. 孤独的:Sam便动怒.将典型的coming out冲突另起炉灶.接下来的重点是兄妹如何握手言和.Sam到广告公司释出善意,却意外让Gray向全公司出柜,她急得躲到电梯里,哭诉孤独的(Lonely)痛苦:表面上,在水族馆取景是因为Charlie是研究海中哺乳动物的同性关系.事实上,

3. 寂寞:寂寞(Lonely)是孤独的背景,这首曲带出了忧愁及冷静,特别是结尾曲,创造了一场震撼,以小调为主. 曲名是2)寂寞(Lonely).

lonely 词典解释

1. 孤独的;寂寞的;孤单的
    Someone who is lonely is unhappy because they are alone or do not have anyone they can talk to.

    e.g. ...lonely people who just want to talk...
    e.g. I feel lonelier in the middle of London than I do on my boat in the middle of nowhere.

2. (指状态或时期)孤独的,寂寞的,孤零零的
    A lonely situation or period of time is one in which you feel unhappy because you are alone or do not have anyone to talk to.

    e.g. I desperately needed something to occupy me during those long, lonely nights.
    e.g. ...her lonely childhood.

3. 偏僻的;荒凉的;人迹罕至的
    A lonely place is one where very few people come.

    e.g. It felt like the loneliest place in the world.
    e.g. ...dark, lonely streets.

lonely 单语例句

1. From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid US Senate colleagues.

2. WASHINGTON - From his lonely position as an early Republican critic of the Iraq war, former Nebraska Senator Chuck Hagel sometimes lectured his more timid Senate colleagues.

3. Veteran political commentator Malcolm Farr said Howard had never looked so lonely and Rudd had never had so many people wanting to be his friend.

4. The owner said pets are the only companion of many lonely elderly people, but some have had to send their pet to animal shelters due to economic difficulties.

5. They can compare notes in class and care for each other afterwards, enriching an otherwise lonely and monotonous life.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. The real world can be a frightening and lonely place for people with autism, and many wind up living at home with their parents in adulthood.

7. lonely的意思

7. A copy of The Beatles " Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band " album is held by a listener in London in this undated file photo.

8. Sing along with a cuddly tiger, a lonely stick man or intrepid adventurers as they seek a bear.

9. Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan cut a lonely figure during her second day at the Promises rehab facility in Malibu.

10. I could imagine that in a dark room in Vienna, my cousin must have felt lost and lonely.

lonely 英英释义



1. marked by dejection from being alone

    e.g. felt sad and lonely
           the loneliest night of the week
           lonesome when her husband is away
           spent a lonesome hour in the bar

    Synonym: lonesome

2. devoid of creatures

    e.g. a lonely crossroads
           a solitary retreat
           a trail leading to an unfrequented lake

    Synonym: solitary unfrequented
