
desolate [ˈdesələt]  [ˈdɛsəlɪt] 






desolate 基本解释

形容词荒凉的; 无人的; 孤独的,凄凉的; 荒废的

及物动词使荒无人烟,使荒芜; 使凄凉,使孤单

desolate 同义词

形容词barren bleak void gloomy vacant dismal dreary empty

desolate 反义词

形容词cheerful joyful happy

desolate 相关例句



1. We saw few houses in the desolate valley.

2. The little children were left desolate.


1. The invading army desolated the country.

2. She was desolated by his death.

3. The land was desolated by floods.

desolate 网络解释

1. 荒凉,荒芜的:designate 指派,任命 | desolate 荒凉,荒芜的 | despicable 可鄙,卑劣的

2. 荒凉的,极度孤独的:lonely :孤独的;荒凉的,偏僻的 | desolate:荒凉的,极度孤独的 | ★threaten v. 威胁

3. 荒凉的:control 控制 | desolate 荒凉的 | destruction 破坏,毁灭

4. 地方--无人居住,荒无人烟的:desolate : 荒凉的, 极度孤独的(与人相连时) | desolate 地方--无人居住, 荒无人烟的 | ★threaten v 威胁的

desolate 词典解释
The adjective is pronounced /'desələt/. The verb is pronounced /'desəleɪt/. 形容词读作/'desələt/,动词读作 /'desəleɪt/。

1. 荒凉的;荒芜的;荒废的;无人烟的
    A desolate place is empty of people and lacking in comfort.

    e.g. ...a desolate landscape of flat green fields broken by marsh...
    e.g. Half-ruined, hardly a building untouched, it's a desolate place.

2. 凄凉的;孤寂的;孤独忧伤的
    If someone is desolate, they feel very sad, alone, and without hope.

    e.g. He was desolate without her.

3. 使不悦;使痛苦;使悲惨
    If something desolates you, it upsets you and makes you very unhappy.

    e.g. Their inclination to wait and demand more resources desolated President Lincoln.

I saw them walk away and felt absolutely desolated.
They have maintained their optimism in the face of desolating subjugation.
desolate 单语例句

1. desolate

1. He wrote a poem referring to it as a desolate, lonely place.

2. desolate

2. It used to be a desolate site dedicated to patriotic education, but today visitors find it has been turned into a playground.

3. Local residents told reporters that a fiery ball fell from the sky and smashed into the desolate Andean plain near the Bolivian border Saturday morning.

4. The authorities have emphasized that you should not refuse passengers because the distance is too short or the location too desolate.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. His body was found in a thicket of mangroves along a shallow lagoon on the desolate northeastern coast.

6. desolate

6. The town is desolate today as its supposed fame has failed to bring in tourists and investment.

7. Zhang explained it to be the reason why he has stuck for more than 20 years to this " unprofitable and desolate " field of research.

8. desolate

8. They also demanded for Tokyo to drop its claim to a set of desolate islands also claimed by Seoul.

9. Instead of farming the fields along the desolate mountainsides, the former vet opened a piggery.

10. It's an otherworldly sensation, heightened by a terrain devoid of vegetation and strangely desolate.

desolate 英英释义


1. cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

    e.g. The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

    Synonym: lay waste to waste devastate ravage scourge

2. reduce in population

    e.g. The epidemic depopulated the countryside

    Synonym: depopulate


3. leave someone who needs or counts on you
    leave in the lurch

    e.g. The mother deserted her children

    Synonym: abandon forsake desert


1. crushed by grief

    e.g. depressed and desolate of soul
           a low desolate wail

2. providing no shelter or sustenance

    e.g. bare rocky hills
           barren lands
           the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes
           the desolate surface of the moon
           a stark landscape

    Synonym: bare barren bleak stark
