
lawman [ˈlɔ:mæn]  [ˈlɔˌmæn, -mən] 


lawman 基本解释
lawman 网络解释


1. 执法者:● A&E新剧<<执法者>>(Lawman)第二集观众人数比首集下降了43%,回到了200万观众的正常水平(相对于A&E频道的平均收视率而言). ● <<费城永远阳光灿烂>>(It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)和<<联盟>>(The League)的季终集表现抢眼.

2. 执法官:lawmaking 立法 | lawman 执法官 | lawn mower 割草机

3. 外行人:lawyerette 律师娘 | lawman 外行人 | lay witness 普通证人;非专家证人

4. 东莞市龙发服饰有限公司 猛龙:深圳市东宏晟经济发展有限公司 比奥利 b.orior | 东莞市龙发服饰有限公司 猛龙 lawman | 陕西埃比连锁实业股份有限公司 沃特兰特 VATERLAND

lawman 双语例句


1. Therefore, police -- this country Organ of violence's lawman's mission forever will not as if also have date of the termination.

2. And you are always gonna be a lawman.


3. My grandfather was a lawman. Father too.

4. You're not a lawman.

5. This is also the story of the lawman, Melvin Purvis, set to task by J.


6. And we ain't letting no rancher or his lawman take either.


7. Look at those cavemen go, Take a look at the Lawman

8. You hear that, lawman?

9. Some say, however, that the friendship between Garrett and Bonney led the lawman to let the outlaw go and another man's body lies beneath the famous headstone.

10. A member of the Texas state highway patrol; formerly a mounted lawman who maintained order on the frontier.


11. They allege that Lew Wallace, the territorial governor, offered Bonney immunity from prosecution for the murder of one lawman if he would testify about his involvement in the murder of another.

12. Comes legendary lawman Wyatt earp.

13. Rockefeller's grave, and a monument to lawman Eliot Ness, whose ashes were scattered in Wade Pond.

14. Marston: I understand. I never planned on being in the lawman business neither.

15. Then, it will be on to the next book for Abdul-Jabbar, who wants to tell the real story of Wild Bill Hickok, better known as a lawman gunslinger than for helping slaves escape to Canada.
      之后,将是贾巴尔的下一本书,在这本书中,贾巴尔试图去讲述关于 Wild Bill Hickok的真实故事。Wild Bill Hickok帮助奴隶逃往到了加拿大,但与之比起来,他以律师更为出名。


16. Into this uncivilized outpost ride a disillusioned and bitter ex-lawman, Wild Bill Hickok, and Seth Bullock, a man hoping to find a new start for himself.

17. In the Black Hills of South Dakota lies Deadwood, a lawless town inhabited by a mob of restless misfits - from an ex-lawman to a scheming saloon owner to the legendary Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane.
      在黑色的山丘,南达科他州的谎言伍德,是一个没有法律的城市居住的一群暴徒的不安 misfits -从一前l awman一个策划轿车拥有传说中的野生条例草案希科克和灾难简。

18. Huge areas of China are up for grabs, and it helps if you are chums with the local lawman.

19. What about you? You were a lawman.

20. Though crimes committed by a lawman are acknowledged by China's new criminal law, it has had many practical and theoretical problems needed to solve.

lawman 英英释义



1. an officer of the law

    Synonym: law officer peace officer
