peace officer

peace officer [pi:s ˈɔfisə]  [pis ˈɔfɪsɚ] 

peace officer 基本解释


peace officer 网络解释

1. 治安官:peace offering 友好赠品 | peace officer 治安官 | Peace to his ashes! 安息吧!

2. 治安官, 警官:Peace Treaty of Paris (1856) <<巴黎和约>>(1856) | peace officer 治安官, 警官 | a justice of the peace. 治安法官

peace officer 双语例句

1. On Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.

2. Ron Sconyers, a retired Air Force brigadier general, is the chief executive officer of Physicians for Peace.
    Ron Sconyers 是一名退休的空军准将,也是争取和平医生组织的执行长。

3. And he did not like being an officer in peace time.

4. I was charged with obstruction of a peace officer.

peace officer

5. Made a name for himself as a peace officer in Kansas.

6. Peace Officer Phoenix Wallis is assigned to lead the investigation of the murder.

peace officer的翻译

7. Coordinate with the Food for Peace Officer in- country and/or FFP/W and provide recommendations on commodity transfers and administrative funding requirements.

peace officer的解释

8. The minor shall keep such identification card on his person, and it shall be subject to inspection at any time by any peace officer.

9. How shall he ever know well what he is and does as an officer of the government, or as a man, until he is obliged to consider whether he shall treat me, his neighbor, for whom he has respect, as a neighbor and well-disposed man, or as a maniac and disturber of the peace, and see if he can get over this obstruction to his neighborliness without a ruder and more impetuous thought or speech corresponding with his action?

10. Police record showed he was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and disturbing the peace.


11. He served during peace-time as an intelligence officer in the Navy.

peace officer的翻译

12. The officer with his strongly-built form and slight air of superiority made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.

13. Rest in peace Officer Amy D. We will continue the fight.

peace officer的翻译

14. Today, Gordy Mengel is a Peace Corps programming and training officer in Rwanda.

15. He had been a dashing and resourceful officer during the war, but two severe wounds and four years of fighting seemed to have drained him of all his resourcefulness, leaving him to face the rigors of peace as bewildered as a child.

peace officer 单语例句

1. peace officer

1. The second inmate was jailed for six years for manslaughter, assault and assaulting a peace officer.

2. Police said three people were arrested during the highway protest and the charges against them include assault on a peace officer.

3. A UN peacekeeping officer gives a UN Peace Medal to a Chinese soldier stationed in Haiti in May 2006.

peace officer 英英释义


1. peace officer的反义词

1. an officer of the law

    Synonym: lawman law officer
