kick in

kick in [kik in]  [kɪk ɪn] 

kick in 基本解释
kick in 网络解释

1. 参与提供资金和其他帮助的活动中去:pilot plan 试点方案 | kick in 参与提供资金和其他帮助的活动中去 | tax credit 税金免除

2. 踢掉砸开:kick down 踢倒 | kick in 踢掉砸开 | kick off 踢脱

3. 支付:repurchase回购 | kick in支付 | balance余额

4. 捐(款 缴付(自己应付的一份) 死 踢开; 破门而入:kick down [美俚](汽车)换低档 自动跳合 | kick in 捐(款 缴付(自己应付的一份) 死 踢开; 破门而入 | kick it [美俚]戒除嗜好(烟酒等)

kick in 单语例句

1. And I once had three grinning young Russian army officers show up at my door in Beijing eager to kick my butt.

2. Ask a chain smoker to kick the butt, and in all probability he'll tell you he's tried quitting a hundred times before.

3. kick in

3. " They know we didn't kick anybody's butt in the playoffs, " Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said.

4. Free kick specialist Nakamura left Yokohama in 2002 to join Italy's Reggina, before moving to Celtic three years later.

5. Industry analysts said the move would kick off a chain reaction in the industry.

6. There were cheers each time Beckham touched the ball, the highlight being a corner kick he took in stoppage time.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. The rocker was spending yet another a night in at a rehab clinic trying to kick his addiction to heroin and cocaine.

8. kick in的意思

8. Village Voice columnist Michael Musto appears in a documentary about the history of gay Americans that will kick off Logo's programming on Thursday.

9. COFCO aims to kick off 20 large scale commercial property development projects in the next five to 10 years.

10. kick in

10. The telecom operator said earlier it plans to kick off commercial trials of the WCDMA service in 284 domestic cities.

kick in 英英释义

kick in


1. open violently

    e.g. kick in the doors

    Synonym: kick down

2. contribute to some cause

    e.g. I gave at the office

    Synonym: contribute give chip in

3. enter a particular state

    e.g. Laziness set in
           After a few moments, the effects of the drug kicked in

    Synonym: set in
