kick down

kick down [kik daun]  [kɪk daʊn] 

kick down 基本解释
kick down 网络解释

1. 踢倒:kick down the ladder 过河拆桥 | kick down 踢倒 | kick in 踢掉砸开

2. 下弯:kick circuit 突跳电路 | kick down 下弯 | kick of rudder 浪击舵叶

3. 下倾:kick circuit 反冲电路 | kick down 下倾 | kick off 切断

4. [美俚](汽车)换低档 自动跳合:kick down [美俚](汽车)换低档 自动跳合 | kick in 捐(款 缴付(自己应付的一份) 死 踢开; 破门而入 | kick it [美俚]戒除嗜好(烟酒等)

kick down 单语例句

1. Chelsea's lone goal came after Arjen Robben's corner kick was headed down by Cardoso Tiago to Cole.

2. Lazio took the lead against Reggina through a highly debatable penalty after Simone Inzaghi went down inside the area and converted the resulting spot kick.

3. The bodies were then pulled down and placed on the ground for people to kick and slash with knives.

4. But beer and red wine are served, for those looking for a drink with kick to wash down the delicious fare.

5. Settle down for a little while and let your intuitive powers kick in.

6. The department said it would soon kick off a campaign in the province to crack down on illegal underground emissions.

7. This has so outraged Shanghai's web citizens that they have resolved to track him down and " kick the foreign trash out of China ".

8. kick down

8. Former Barca midfielder Xavi Torres almost equalized with virtually the last kick of the game, but Valdes got down to make the save.

9. kick down

9. The group said it took Britney Spears out of the running because they didn't want to kick her while she's down.

10. The group said it took Britney Spears out the running because they didn't want to kick her while she's down.

kick down 英英释义



1. open violently

    e.g. kick in the doors

    Synonym: kick in
