
jeopardise ['dʒepədaɪz]  [ˈdʒɛpɚˌdaɪz] 

jeopardise 基本解释



jeopardise 网络解释


1. 危害:jeopard 危及 | jeopardise 危害 | jeopardize 危害

2. 冒着:infringe 侵犯 | jeopardise 冒着 | lapse失误,终止

3. 使受危险, 危及:The crowd jeered at the politicians who had failed in the election那群人嘲笑落选的政... | jeopardise使受危险, 危及 | The old bus started with a jerk.(急拉;猛扯;突然的猛烈动作)这辆旧公共汽车发动时颠了一...

4. 见:696ivoryn. 象牙,乳白色; a. 象牙制的,乳白色的 | 697jeopardise见jeopardize | 698jeopardizev. 危害,使受危困,使陷危地

jeopardise 单语例句

1. David Beckham is confident his decision to join LA Galaxy will not jeopardise his international career following his recent return to the England squad.

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2. Labour argues that Brown has steered Britain through turbulent economic times and to hand over now to an inexperienced opposition would jeopardise recovery.

3. Indian television quoted Singh saying the Srinagar raid could not be allowed to jeopardise peace efforts.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. Such a serious rift in the sport's governing body could even jeopardise its Olympic status after 2012.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. A couple of poor performances could seriously jeopardise England's chance of reaching the finals next year in Austria and Switzerland.

jeopardise 英英释义


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1. pose a threat to
    present a danger to

    e.g. The pollution is endangering the crops

    Synonym: endanger jeopardize menace threaten imperil peril
