
peril [ˈperəl]  [ˈpɛrəl] 





现在分词:periling; perilling

过去分词:periled; perilled


过去式:periled; perilled

peril 基本解释

名词危险; 冒险

及物动词置…于危险中; 危及

peril 同义词



名词harm endangerment danger hazard jeopardy risk

peril 反义词


名词safety security

peril 相关例句


1. You are in great peril.

2. Icy roads are a peril to motorists.

peril 网络解释


1. 危险:国内学术界又将其译成道德危险或道德公害. 较规范地说,它指的是引起或增大既定危险(peril)损失的条件或因素. 例如,生产火药会增加火灾和爆炸

2. 冒险:(遭遇/灾害卡施放的时候需要支付费用 - 就是施放这张卡的玩家必须支付冒险(Peril))藉由不让玩家到处攻击别人这样简单的设计平衡了游戏,如果你不能支付冒险(Peril)费用的话,你就不能攻击某人.

3. 危險事故:在危险管理中,一般认为peril是指危险事故,是损失发生的原因,如火灾、风暴等,而hazard是危险因素,是事故发生的潜在原因,如疾病是引起经济损失的危险事故(peril),但却是引起死亡的潜在原因(hazard).

4. 危险,险情:performance share业绩股份,业绩股 | peril危险,险情 | peril clause承保险情条款

peril 词典解释

1. 重大危险
    Perils are great dangers.

    e.g. ...the perils of the sea...
    e.g. In spite of great peril, I have survived...

2. (某活动或行为的)危险,问题
    The perils of a particular activity or course of action are the dangers or problems it may involve.

    e.g. ...the perils of starring in a television commercial.

3. (用于警告)自冒风险
    If you say that someone does something at their peril, you are warning them that they will probably suffer as a result of doing it.

    e.g. Ignore it at your peril...
    e.g. Anyone who breaks the law does so at their peril.

peril 单语例句

1. peril

1. Child support and family groups said Irwin's behavior was almost like child abuse and he should never have exposed his son to such peril.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. Some of the victims may have taken flight and made it to safety had they been more conscious of their imminent peril.

3. peril的解释

3. MELBOURNE - Li Na is definitely China's leading tennis player, but count out veteran Zheng Jie at your peril.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Underlying Cheney's gambit is the consensus understanding that such a drastic move is doubtful because it would be fraught with political peril.

5. peril的反义词

5. A senior scientist warned Sunday that human carelessness is putting the delicate ecological balance of Mount Qomolangma in peril.

6. peril

6. But the sequel beats the original film by placing emphasis on jokes and peril, and keeping away from an overflow of heartwarming material.

7. Friedman even warns that the American dream - that every generation lives better than the one before it - may be in peril.

8. peril的反义词

8. Tabloid frothing about Asian invasions and selling the farm to China keep the yellow peril alive.

9. peril什么意思

9. The worst global recession in decades has highlighted the peril of unregulated financial derivatives and the severe consequences of ineffective market regulation in developed countries.

10. peril的翻译

10. He alerted the naval forces there of the impending peril facing the inhabitants of the besieged foreign concessions in Tientsin.

peril 英英释义


1. a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury

    e.g. he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime
           there was a danger he would do the wrong thing

    Synonym: risk danger

2. peril是什么意思

2. a source of danger
    a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune

    e.g. drinking alcohol is a health hazard

    Synonym: hazard jeopardy risk endangerment

3. peril

3. a state of danger involving risk

    Synonym: riskiness


1. put in a dangerous, disadvantageous, or difficult position

    Synonym: queer expose scupper endanger

2. pose a threat to
    present a danger to

    e.g. The pollution is endangering the crops

    Synonym: endanger jeopardize jeopardise menace threaten imperil
