
irregular [ɪˈregjələ(r)]  [ɪˈrɛɡjəlɚ] 

比较级:more irregular

最高级:most irregular



irregular 基本解释


形容词不规则的,不对称的; 无规律的; 不合规范的,不合法的; 不规则变化的

名词非正规军军人; 不规则物; 不合规格的产品

irregular 同义词


形容词rough abnormal erratic distorted unnatural uneven

irregular 反义词


irregular 相关例句



1. It is an irregular document.

2. The trains from here are irregular.

3. Braces straightened the girl's irregular teeth.

4. Your writing is irregular: some letters are big and some small.


1. Hundreds of the irregulars deserted.

irregular 网络解释

1. 非正则:研究表明,最好的非正则(Irregular)LDPC码,当码长为107、码率为1/2时,与Shannon极限仅差0.04dB. 目前除在LDPC结构性编码技术方面进一步探索,以取得更简单有效的LDPC编译码应用装备外,随着分组多媒体传送的发展,

2. 非常规:文章研究了女性在非正规领域的工作参与情况. 该文定义的非正规经济(informal economy)指发生于传统市场经济以外,有酬或无酬,未在官方机构登记注册,不受官方机构规制、审计的经济活动. 主要包括2个领域:非常规(irregular)工作(不需缴纳社会保险费及个人所得税)和家政类工作.

irregular 词典解释

1. 不定时的;不定期的
    If events or actions occur at irregular intervals, the periods of time between them are of different lengths.

    e.g. Cars passed at irregular intervals...
    e.g. She was taken to hospital suffering from an irregular heartbeat...

He was eating irregularly, steadily losing weight.
...a dangerous irregularity in her heartbeat.

2. 不规则的;不平整的;不直的
    Something that is irregular is not smooth or straight, or does not form a regular pattern.

    e.g. The paint was drying in irregular patches...
    e.g. He had bad teeth, irregular and discolored.

Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.
...treatment of abnormalities or irregularities of the teeth.

3. (行为)欺骗性的,不正当的,不合常规的
    Irregular behaviour is dishonest or not in accordance with the normal rules.

    e.g. ...the minister accused of irregular business practices...
    e.g. 'Will you do this for me, Leo? It's the only way.' — 'It's highly irregular, Ralph.'

...charges arising from alleged financial irregularities.

4. (动词、名词或形容词)不规则的
    An irregular verb, noun, or adjective has different forms from most other verbs, nouns, or adjectives in the language. For example, 'break' is an irregular verb because its past form is 'broke', not 'breaked'.

5. irregular什么意思

5. (部队)非正规的
    Irregular troops do not belong to an official national army.

    e.g. At least 17 different irregular units are engaged in the war.
           至少有 17 个非正规军部队参战。

irregular 单语例句

1. He controls thousands of irregular troops accused by rights groups of abduction and murder.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Large amounts of cash withdrawn from credit cards through irregular means has also greatly contributed to the sharp rise in default rates.

3. Lack of legal funding channels also lured many to seek irregular measures like embezzlement of client fund.

4. This dampens ordinary residents'enthusiasm to struggle for their dreams and encourages people to make their dream come true through irregular means.

5. Women's menstrual cycles are irregular and some children are still born with deformities or congenital diseases.

6. irregular

6. Top securities regulator is determined to improve market mechanisms and fill the gaps in the regulation system dealing with irregular transactions.

7. irregular的反义词

7. Wu explained that irregular acts committed by construction companies make it difficult for the downstream real estate sector to benefit from the deduction of VAT.

8. Parties proven to have engaged in irregular conduct often do not receive the punishment they deserve.

9. There has been enormous dissent over his decision to run for a third term after two irregular elections and over how oil royalties have disappeared.

10. He said it will also do more to crack down on irregular market practices.

irregular 英英释义


1. merchandise that has imperfections
    usually sold at a reduced price without the brand name

    Synonym: second

2. a member of an irregular armed force that fights a stronger force by sabotage and harassment

    Synonym: guerrilla guerilla insurgent


1. irregular的近义词

1. not occurring at expected times

    Synonym: unpredictable

2. independent in behavior or thought

    e.g. she led a somewhat irregular private life
           maverick politicians

    Synonym: maverick unorthodox


3. (of a surface or shape)
    not level or flat or symmetrical

    e.g. walking was difficult on the irregular cobblestoned surface

4. lacking continuity or regularity

    e.g. an irregular worker
           employed on a temporary basis

    Synonym: temporary

5. deviating from normal expectations
    somewhat odd, strange, or abnormal

    e.g. these days large families are atypical
           atypical clinical findings
           atypical pneumonia
           highly irregular behavior

    Synonym: atypical

6. falling below the manufacturer's standard

    e.g. irregular jeans

7. contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice

    e.g. irregular hiring practices

8. irregular的解释

8. (of solids) not having clear dimensions that can be measured
    volume must be determined with the principle of liquid displacement

9. (used of the military) not belonging to or engaged in by regular army forces

    e.g. irregular troops
           irregular warfare
