
unnatural [ʌnˈnætʃrəl]  [ʌnˈnætʃərəl] 

unnatural 基本解释

形容词不自然的,做作的; 奇异的; 不真诚的; 违背人性的,变态的

unnatural 反义词



unnatural 相关例句



1. It is unnatural for birds to fly north in the winter.

2. Her voice was a little strained, a little unnatural.

unnatural 网络解释

1. 不自然的:不过,对于大多数人来说,形式的科学话语是一种非常不自然的(unnatural)语言. 它运用奇异的专业术语和只有经过多年研究才能理解的复杂论证方式. 从词汇和习语上来看,它已经演变得远离任何一种普通的自然语言.

2. 很不自然:And yet, there is something...|然而却有一件事... | ...unnatural...|很不自然 | ...about the way we eat lunch.|我们吃中饭的方式很不自然

3. 不自然的,反常的,不近人情的:facial 面部的 | unnatural 不自然的,反常的,不近人情的 | scorching 酷热的

4. 洁癖:拜托安静点 for god's sake | 洁癖 unnatural | 你怎么来了what are you doing here

unnatural 词典解释

1. 不自然的;诡异的;反常的
    If you describe something as unnatural, you mean that it is strange and often frightening, because it is different from what you normally expect.

    e.g. The aircraft rose with unnatural speed on take-off...
    e.g. The altered landscape looks unnatural and weird.

The house was unnaturally silent.
...unnaturally cold conditions.

2. unnatural

2. 不自然的;做作的
    Behaviour that is unnatural seems artificial and not normal or genuine.

    e.g. She gave him a bright, determined smile which seemed unnatural.

Try to avoid shouting or speaking unnaturally.
unnatural 单语例句

1. It would also give industrial agriculture a stamp of approval despite its use of antibiotics, confinement and unnatural feeding practices that increase the threat of disease.

2. This is the fifth publicized unnatural death of a Chinese official so far this year, according to available statistics summed by Nanfang Daily.

3. The death is the latest uncovered unnatural death in detention and prison facilities this year, after a string of inmate deaths in detention houses caused wide public concern.

4. Food safety problems were also put down to environmental pollution and unnatural processes like genetically modified foods and the use of pesticides.

5. With laboratory breakthroughs, the Tree of Life is bearing some unnatural fruit.

6. If the detainees cannot have their personal rights fundamentally protected, those unnatural deaths will never end.

7. He has said he will also have a go at jazz at the concerts, although he believes this is a genre that makes him sound unnatural.

8. unnatural的意思

8. Because of stress and impatience, we develop the habit of this unnatural type of breathing.

9. Yuan's death added another name to the long list of officials who recently died of unnatural causes.

10. unnatural

10. The key to curbing unnatural deaths in detention houses is by checking the power of security officers to arbitrarily delete or edit surveillance footage.

unnatural 英英释义



1. speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression

    Synonym: affected

2. not in accordance with or determined by nature
    contrary to nature

    e.g. an unnatural death
           the child's unnatural interest in death

3. not normal
    not typical or usual or regular or conforming to a norm

    e.g. abnormal powers of concentration
           abnormal amounts of rain
           abnormal circumstances
           an abnormal interest in food

    Synonym: abnormal
