
instigator [ˈɪnstɪgeɪtə(r)]  [ˈɪnstɪɡeɪtər] 


instigator 基本解释


instigator 网络解释

1. 激励者:instigation therapy 鼓舞治疗法 | instigator 激励者 | instinct 本能

2. 教唆犯:instigation 教唆 | instigator 教唆犯 | instil 逐渐灌输

3. 发起者,煽动者:270. insider: 局内人,圈内人. | 271. instigator: 发起者,煽动者. | 272. instrumentalist: 乐器演奏者.

instigator 词典解释

1. instigator什么意思

1. 发起者;鼓动者;唆使者;怂恿者
    The instigator of an event is the person who causes it to happen.

    e.g. He was accused of being the main instigator of the coup.
    e.g. ...the key instigators of reform.

instigator 单语例句

1. The US should refrain from being an instigator of certain countries'attempts to encroach upon China's interests.

2. The local Chutian Metropolis Daily reported on Sunday that Hu Jun, a graduate from Hubei Institute of Fine Arts is the instigator of the fashion trend.

3. instigator是什么意思

3. " He was the instigator, " Swart is quoted as saying in the report.

4. The tragic outcomes of the misunderstanding might have served the instigator well.

instigator 英英释义



1. a person who initiates a course of action

    Synonym: initiator

2. someone who deliberately foments trouble

    e.g. she was the instigator of their quarrel

    Synonym: provoker inciter instigant firebrand
