
initiator [ɪˈnɪʃieɪtə(r)]  [ɪˈnɪʃieɪtər] 


initiator 基本解释

名词发起人; 创始人; 传授者; 教导者

initiator 网络解释

1. 引发剂:引发剂(initiator)是指在聚合反应中能使单体分子或线型分子链中含有双键的低分子活化而成为游离基,并进行连锁反应的物质. 据中国不饱和树脂网专家介绍,不饱和聚酯树脂一般可以通过引发剂(或光或其它引发方式等)与交联剂分子中的双键发生自由基共聚反应,

2. 引发器:在这一层下面,数据块传送的引发器(initiator)和目标相互交换SCSI-3命令和状态. SCSI引发器和目标之间的关系定义在SAM-2中,对于特定的SCSI-3实现有不同的标准文档.

initiator 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 创始人;发起者
    The initiator of a plan or process is the person who was responsible for thinking of it or starting it.

    e.g. of the major initiators of the tumultuous changes in Eastern Europe.

initiator 单语例句

1. The CBRC also allows the main initiator to adjust shareholding ratios with other holders once banks enter onto a sustainable development track.

2. That the xin fang authorities have been the initiator and driver of the process reveals an eagerness to reduce public dissatisfaction with government policies.

3. It is an initiator of and state party to the Potsdam Declaration.

4. Festival initiator Huang Liaoyuan said that the largest ever rock festival had received solid support from local government and private businesses.

5. initiator的意思

5. It stipulates that a commercial bank must be the initiator and must hold at least 20 percent of equity in the bank.

6. initiator的意思

6. Khodorkovsky's arrest has been widely perceived as another major setback to the pipeline, as Yukos has been the Russian side's initiator in the crude pipeline.

7. initiator的意思

7. The Yellow Emperor was purportedly the initiator of Cuju, and he invented it to train his soldiers.

8. initiator是什么意思

8. It was the hotline's initiator Xu Kun's idea to let Fang and Lin meet and help each other.

9. The second remember was the initiator of the reform and opening up.

10. But if the government is the initiator of the resettlement, the effort will be in vain since the government is both the umpire and player.

initiator 英英释义



1. a person who initiates a course of action

    Synonym: instigator
