inheritance tax

inheritance tax [ɪnˈherɪtəns tæks]  [ɪnˈhɛrɪtəns tæks] 

第三人称复数:inheritance taxes

inheritance tax 基本解释


inheritance tax 网络解释

1. 继承税:甚至市政府也有自己独立的税种额外征收税负.跟联邦政府的所得税一样,大部分的州都有自己的所得税.此外,许多州也课征财产税、公司企业税、继承税(inheritance tax)以及富人税.州营业税也是重要的财政收入来源.此外,

2. 遗产继承税:即使这样,遗产税(estate tax)[与遗产继承税(inheritance tax)不同)仍然是有些随意性,因为它忽视了分享遗产的人们的财产状况,也许这些人都是很贫穷的亲戚.

3. <美>继承税;遗产税;遗产继承税:Individual Tax 个人税 | Inheritance Tax <美>继承税;遗产税;遗产继承税 | Investment Tax Credit (=[缩]ITC/I.T.C.)<美>投资税款减除额;投资税款宽减额;投资减税额

inheritance tax 词典解释

1. 遗产税;继承税
    An inheritance tax is a tax which has to be paid on the money and property of someone who has died.

inheritance tax 单语例句

1. As a type of tax to adjust the distribution of wealth among social members, inheritance tax has played a positive role in many countries.

2. Experts say that in foreign countries where inheritance tax is high, many rich people set up foundations only to evade tax.

3. Although China does not implement the inheritance tax at present, people fear that such tax might be levied at any time in future.

4. inheritance tax

4. Clinton also said the inheritance tax should be kept in place, a view shared by Buffett before the Senate Finance Committee last month.

5. inheritance tax的意思

5. Property tax, gift tax and inheritance tax can play a role in this respect.

6. The government has to reform the comprehensive and individual income tax institutions before imposing inheritance tax.

7. So they take action now to avoid the possible rising transfer fees and the inheritance tax.


8. The first reason is that some parents buy houses for their children in order to avoid inheritance tax.

9. It is good for China to have discussions over inheritance tax and allow people to voice their opinions.

10. inheritance tax在线翻译

10. There is much work for the authorities to do before inheritance tax can be implemented, said Zhang.

inheritance tax 英英释义

inheritance tax在线翻译


1. a tax on the estate of the deceased person

    Synonym: estate tax death tax death duty
