estate tax

estate tax [isˈteit tæks]  [ɪˈstet tæks] 

estate tax 基本解释


estate tax 网络解释

1. 遗产税:即使这样,遗产税(estate tax)[与遗产继承税(inheritance tax)不同)仍然是有些随意性,因为它忽视了分享遗产的人们的财产状况,也许这些人都是很贫穷的亲戚.

2. 财产税:[注] 一般来说,美国的赠与税(Gift Tax)和财产税(Estate tax)对于配偶间的财产转移,在赠与受益人是美国公民的情况下,允许无限金额赠与的免税. 因为在经济的层面来说,夫妻被视为同一个经济体,可以享受婚姻抵税(Marital deduction).

3. 遗产税,地产税:environmental tax 环境税 | estate tax 遗产税,地产税 | examination of deed tax 验契税

4. 物业税:财产税:property tax | 物业税:estate tax | 遗产税:death tax

estate tax 单语例句

1. Enterprises opening profitable medical service entities will be exempt from business tax, real estate tax and land use tax for three years.

2. estate tax的翻译

2. China's business tax covers the service industry, real estate and intangible assets.

3. A REIT is a tax designation for a corporation investing in real estate that reduces or eliminates corporate income taxes.

4. The government is considering imposing a unified real estate tax to counteract this, he said.

5. Unlike previous measures to curb the overheating real estate market, rescue policies now include reimbursements to house buyers and tax cuts to developers.

6. The latest tax move will cut away a big part of the real estate profits and will surely help improve the country's land system.

7. The question of death and taxes has risen to the fore as US phases out the estate tax entirely in 2010.

8. estate tax的意思

8. The incremental value means the income of the taxpayer from the transferred real estate after deducting the items of deduction stipulated by the tax law.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. He thinks the government's tax revenue is also disproportionately dependent on very volatile economic indicators such as the stock market and real estate.

10. estate tax的翻译

10. Participants in the meeting agreed that the government should use economic measures including tax policies to control the real estate market.

estate tax 英英释义



1. a tax on the estate of the deceased person

    Synonym: inheritance tax death tax death duty
