1. It kicks the ass out of Echo Indigos DJ's amplified out and I thought that was good.
它可是狠狠踢了Echo Indigos DJ的过去我认为很好的放大器的屁股!
2. There are also the new and loving indigos and pale indigos entering the world.
3. I could tell they were mostly indigos whom were ascending with red nation and grand master ancestry.
4. The incoming indigos shall trigger ascension in all family members and friends and neighborhoods and schools over time.
5. In some cases this is already occurring amongst the indigos in their early 20`s that are proceeding on to the next level of ascent, as well as many that read these materials.
6. Those that have witnessed the pale indigos in action feel most blessed.
7. Indigos and Crystals are extremely sensitive.
8. Reiki Energy Healing, Sound Healing, and other alternative healing methods are recommended for healing, balancing, rejuvenating and empowering not just Indigos but all of us!