
immaterial [ˌɪməˈtɪəriəl]  [ˌɪməˈtɪriəl] 

immaterial 基本解释


形容词无形的; 非物质的; 不重要的; 非实质的

immaterial 相关例句


1. The body is material but the soul is immaterial.

2. That's quite immaterial to me.

3. That's wholly immaterial to me.

immaterial 网络解释

1. 非实质的:法治的要素 the element of rule of law | 非实质的 immaterial | 非营利的 non-profit

2. 不重要的:imitator 模仿者;仿造者;模拟器 | immaterial 不重要的 | immature diapir 不完全底辟构造

immaterial 词典解释

1. immaterial的意思

1. 不重要的;无关紧要的
    If you say that something is immaterial, you mean that it is not important or not relevant.

    e.g. Whether we like him or not is immaterial.

immaterial 单语例句

1. Keeping in line with European Union law, the nationality of the players is immaterial.

2. It is immaterial to the offence that the acts take place voluntarily between two adults in private.

3. immaterial的翻译

3. Competitive advantage is increasingly determined by innovative ideas or immaterial services, and less on the basis of capital.

4. immaterial

4. Whether or not the two loved one another when the time came was immaterial.

5. immaterial在线翻译

5. He added that the Games will not only leave facilities and equipments to Rio, but also an " immaterial " legacy.

immaterial 英英释义



1. not consisting of matter

    e.g. immaterial apparitions
           ghosts and other immaterial entities

    Synonym: nonmaterial

2. without material form or substance

    e.g. an incorporeal spirit

    Synonym: incorporeal

3. (often followed by `to') lacking importance
    not mattering one way or the other

    e.g. whether you choose to do it or not is a matter that is quite immaterial (or indifferent)
           what others think is altogether indifferent to him

    Synonym: indifferent

4. of no importance or relevance especially to a law case

    e.g. an objection that is immaterial after the fact

5. not pertinent to the matter under consideration

    e.g. an issue extraneous to the debate
           the price was immaterial
           mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point

    Synonym: extraneous impertinent orthogonal
