
extraneous [ɪkˈstreɪniəs]  [ɪkˈstreniəs] 

extraneous 基本解释

形容词无关的; 外来的; 外部的; 不相干的

extraneous 相关例句



1. His account of the fire accident includes a lot of extraneous details.

extraneous 网络解释

1. 外来的:在图9中我们找到几个限定符:错误的(incorrect)、丢失的(missing)以及外来的(extraneous). 丢失的表明代码本应在那现在却不在. 错误的表明代码存在,但是编写得不正确. 在这个案例中,由于我们已经找到了很多带有分配类型和运算法则类型的不正确的代码,

2. 外部的:13. crunchy 嘎吱作响的 | 14. extraneous 外部的 | 15. extrovert 外向性格的人

3. 无关系的:extramusical 音乐范围以外的 | extraneous 无关系的 | extranuclear 核外的

4. 附加的:extraneous water 外来水 | extraneous 附加的 | extranulear electron 核外电子

extraneous 词典解释

1. 无关的;不必要的
    Extraneous things are not relevant or essential to the situation you are involved in or the subject you are talking about.

    e.g. We ought not to bring in extraneous matters in trying to find a basis for a settlement...
    e.g. I can choose to ignore these extraneous thoughts or certainly choose not to act on them.

extraneous 单语例句

1. The municipal government worries that more extraneous labour will flood Beijing if it provides good educational conditions for children of these floating workers.

2. " It's a classical bargaining game using extraneous issues, " he said.

3. An extraneous " not " in the bill allowed anyone who was not pregnant to marry at any age with permission.

4. " There are extraneous circumstances that indicate there's some strange things going on with this test, " he said.

5. To be fair, not everything taught in China's institutions of higher learning is extraneous to our society.

6. Dropping all extraneous material, the collection demonstrates simple elegance in jewelry designs.

extraneous 英英释义



1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. coming from the outside

    e.g. extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph
           relying upon an extraneous income
           disdaining outside pressure groups

    Synonym: external outside

2. not essential

    e.g. the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play

3. extraneous

3. not pertinent to the matter under consideration

    e.g. an issue extraneous to the debate
           the price was immaterial
           mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point

    Synonym: immaterial impertinent orthogonal

4. not belonging to that in which it is contained
    introduced from an outside source

    e.g. water free of extraneous matter
           foreign particles in milk

    Synonym: foreign
