
ibis [ˈaɪbɪs]  ['aɪbɪs] 

第三人称复数:ibises; ibis

ibis 基本解释
ibis 网络解释

1. 朱鹭:彩丽 Toucan,棲息在湿润地帶的朱鷺 (Ibis),小种袋鼠,晚間活跃非常的马...达加斯岛狐猴 (lemur)及中南美洲的大眼小毛猴等. 逛累了可在阳台上喝喝茶. ...位于皇后酒店后面.

2. 宜必思酒店:这个宜必思酒店(Ibis)坐落的位置很靠近中心. 从酒店坐观光巴士去看冰雕展花费是200块人民币. 我在那里住了4个晚上,这绝对是个非常棒的酒店. 很干净很舒服,帮助我在哈尔滨有了一次难忘的逛冰雕展的回忆. 这里有点冷,

3. 国际文凭信息系统:用从国际文凭组织在线课程中心(OCC)上下载文件,然后将其打印出来的方法来获得一套寄给学校的文件、表格和信函材料都将采用学校在国际文凭信息系统(IBIS)上具体指通过国际文凭信息系统(IBIS)保持有关学校的信息准确无误;导说明.

4. 决策支持系统:DBCOPY远程数据传输工具 | RBUILDER快速报表开发工具 | IBIS决策支持系统

5. ibis:issue – based information system; 基于争端的信息系统

6. ibis:international bank information system; 国际银行信息系统

7. ibis:international book information services, inc; 国际图书信息服务公司(荷兰)

8. ibis:indus basin irrigation system; 印度河流域灌溉系统

ibis 单语例句

1. ibis的翻译

1. Japan captured its last four crested ibises from the wild in 1981 and put them together with a single ibis being kept in captivity.

2. A total of 250 wildlife propagation centers have been built across the country, and seven major species including the endangered giant pandas and crested ibis.

3. In this file photo a crested ibis wearing a radio tracking device on its foot looks for food.

4. The former Soviet Union saw its last crested ibis in 1963, while the Korean Peninsula said goodbye to it in 1978.

5. ibis什么意思

5. The Japan pavilion will stage a musical drama about the crested ibis during the expo.

6. And a total of 28 crested ibis birds have been transfered to China.

7. But following a major brand revamp last year, ibis delivers on goals that are utterly important to every hotel guest.

8. The first artificial incubation of red ibis succeeded in 1989 in China.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. A pregnant ibis named 013 is receiving medical treatment for injuries that have complicated its ability to give birth.

10. China set up a special breeding base of red ibis in the temperate zone in Shaanxi province in 2001.

ibis 英英释义



1. wading birds of warm regions having long slender down-curved bills
