
heartbreak [ˈhɑ:tbreɪk]  [ˈhɑ:rtbreɪk] 








heartbreak 基本解释

名词心碎,断肠; 极度伤心


heartbreak 网络解释

1. 心碎:必温斯莱被他们的演唱深深地打动了 经过男孩们的死缠烂打 Bivins最终答应做他们的经纪人并成功跟Motown唱片公司谈成了一笔生意 他建议把乐队的名字改为Boyz II Men 这是<<心碎>>(Heartbreak)专辑中的一首新歌的名字.

2. 悲伤:heartbeat 心跳 | heartbreak 悲伤 | heartbreaker 令人伤悲的人

3. 曾经心痛:06.草原之夜 Night on the Grassland | 07.曾经心痛 Heartbreak | 08.烟雨斜阳 Misty Rain and Sething Sun

4. 心伤透:10 TOGETHER 一起 | 11 HEARTBREAK 心伤透 | 12 SPEEDING 狂奔

heartbreak 词典解释

1. (尤指感情破裂引起的)心碎,极度伤心
    Heartbreak is very great sadness and emotional suffering, especially after the end of a love affair or close relationship.

    e.g. ...suffering and heartbreak for those close to the victims...
    e.g. Recent events had obviously been a heartbreak for him.

heartbreak 单语例句

1. CANBERRA - A previous heartbreak is an essential factor in finding " the one, " a psychologist told Australia's media on Thursday.

2. Heartbreak and conflict ensue, but in the end they are together.

3. Cheryl Cole will recover from her US'X Factor'heartbreak by reuniting with Girls Aloud.

4. Families enduring the heartbreak of caring for these children engaged a researcher to identify the gene and produce a test.

5. heartbreak的意思

5. Personal heartbreak coupled with intrusive headlines in her homeland and a persistent, painful injury can do that to a person.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. The riot in Urumqi may have been quelled but the heartbreak for those who lost loved ones in the violence has only just begun.

7. heartbreak的近义词

7. Mandy Moore is taking a walk on the slightly wild side with a new album borne out of heartbreak and frustration.

8. heartbreak

8. Our roads are supposed to take us to happy reunions and tender caresses, not to heartbreak and endless tears.

9. It was unexpected after all the heartbreak she had with Ryan, but we couldn't be happier for her.

10. Is he going to be causing tension and heartbreak among the female trainees?

heartbreak 英英释义


1. intense sorrow caused by loss of a loved one (especially by death)

    Synonym: grief heartache brokenheartedness
