


graphs 基本解释
图表,曲线图( graph的名词复数 );
graphs 网络解释


1. 图表:不少人认为图表(Graphs)是很有价值的分析工具,但仅仅研究每周盈余(Weeklyprofit)或是股价(Share price)无法让你发现任何问题,所以有经验的分析师会更多的关心统计列表中的游乐设施运作费用(Ridewages)和广告宣传(Marketing)等几个方面.

2. 圖:并且是免费访问. 补充的文字(比如方法的详细描述)、图片以及表格应该在正文中适当的地方引用,这些补充的内容必须放在磁盘上,也可提供硬拷贝. 发表图片的高分辨率的和放大版本可以作为补充材料. 线图(Graphs)应在纵横座标上标

3. (图象):graphing data(数据作图) | graphs(图象) | grouped histogram(分组直方图)

4. 图形分析器:Custom Event:ZendPlatform API监控 | Graphs:图形分析器 | Performance:性能提高系统

graphs 单语例句

1. graphs

1. The two inflation graphs suggest an imminent rebound of consumer prices is unlikely.

2. graphs的意思

2. I have watched students intently gazing at graphs appearing on their computers, tracking the fall and rise of their stocks.

3. graphs的翻译

3. Now take another look at the graphs that chart the relationship between the oil price and the exchange rate between the dollar and the euro.

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. The past few months have seen the popularity graphs of several such programs rise, with some woman participants passing absurd remarks.

5. It all boils down to six pages, three for text and three for graphs.

6. We place too much importance on economic graphs and economic growth rates.

7. graphs什么意思

7. Graphs for lunar rocks, mineral materials and geology will also be drawn respectively.
