
graph [græf]  [ɡræf] 


graph 基本解释

名词图表,曲线图; 词的拼法

及物动词用曲线图表示,把…绘入图表; 用胶版印刷

graph 相关例句


1. This graph shows how the number of road accidents has increased over the last ten years.

2. They made a graph of how hot the weather was every day for a month.

graph 网络解释

1. 图表:(1).根据事实与数据发言----图表(Graph),检查表(Checklist),散布图(Scatter Diagram)(3).凡事物不能完全单独用平均数来考虑,应了解事物都有变差存在,须从平均数与变异性来考虑----直方图(Histogram),

2. (图象):把一个函数的自变量x与对应的因变量y的值分别作为点的横坐标和纵坐标,在直角坐标系内描出它的对应点,所有这些点组成的图形叫做该函数的图象(graph)

graph 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 图;图表;曲线图
    A graph is a mathematical diagram which shows the relationship between two or more sets of numbers or measurements.

graph 单语例句

1. A graph charting the fluctuating popularity of US presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain since January 2008.

2. graph的近义词

2. He later used computer programs to convert each sound recording into a sound graph, then compared the patterns to a database of temperature and precipitation records.

3. He said people in the related disciplines of graph theory, discrete math and theoretical computer science also tried.

4. The graph shows the growth of Tibet's GDP from 1959 to 2010 according to reports on Tibet's economic and social development.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. There is an office graph in each conference room clearly illustrating the emergency exit and the best escape route.

6. Whether it's a hedge against inflation depends on where you want to start drawing the graph.

7. graph

7. The jobless rate has dropped and the economy has picked up, with the tourism and retail sectors leading the northward graph.

8. graph的翻译

8. Accompanying the rising prices are heated debates on whether the realty market graph will keep going northward.

9. graph的近义词

9. He also expressed the hope that the graph of Pakistan's economy would further go up with the efforts of government.

10. But the graph would rise northward in the third quarter because of the government's policy support.

graph 英英释义


1. graph的意思

1. a visual representation of the relations between certain quantities plotted with reference to a set of axes

    Synonym: graphical record


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. represent by means of a graph

    e.g. chart the data

    Synonym: chart

2. plot upon a graph
