goose egg

goose egg [ɡu:s eɡ]  [ɡus ɛɡ] 

goose egg 基本解释
goose egg 网络解释

goose egg的解释

1. 零分:goosander 秋沙鸭 | goose egg 零分 | goose grass 牛筋草

2. 零蛋:34. I had it all planned. 我是故意的. | 35. Goose egg. 零蛋. | 36. She's handling that really well. 她的处理方式很好.

3. 考零分:goose bump 鸡皮疙瘩 | goose egg 考零分 | gooseflesh 鸡皮疙瘩

goose egg 单语例句

1. goose egg在线翻译

1. He finds a crack on a wild goose egg in the incubator.


2. I stepped out dazed and terrified but with only a goose egg and whiplash.

3. The story of many a heritage site is one of shortsightedness, not different from the one about the goose that laid the golden egg.

4. One of the two dozen eggs hidden in the hay was as big as a goose egg.

5. goose egg什么意思

5. A face shaped like a goose egg and double eyelids were favorite, it showed.

goose egg 英英释义


1. goose egg的翻译

1. a quantity of no importance

    e.g. it looked like nothing I had ever seen before
           reduced to nil all the work we had done
           we racked up a pathetic goose egg
           it was all for naught
           I didn't hear zilch about it

    Synonym: nothing nil nix nada null aught cipher cypher naught zero zilch zip zippo
