1. 零:zikkurat 金字形神塔 | zilch 零 | zillah 郡
2. 一无所获:every demo Scott's driven.|斯科特所运送的那些唱片 | Zilch.|一无所获 | What's up?|什么事?
3. 无价之物:zigzagging 锯齿形运动 | zilch 无价之物 | zillion 庞大的数字
1. 没有;毫无
Zilch means nothing.
e.g. Nothing's happened Connie. Zilch...
e.g. At the moment these shares are worth zilch.
1. Expats automatically find themselves at a dickering disadvantage, but burnishing your bargaining skills could help you finagle those " foreigner fees " down to zilch.