good sense

good sense [ɡud sens]  [ɡʊd sɛns] 

good sense 基本解释

good sense是什么意思


good sense 网络解释

1. 判断力强:good samaritan 厚道的人 | good sense 判断力强 | Good Shepherd 好牧人

2. 良好的判断力:8.具有分析问题和解决问题的能力;Has the analysis question and solves question ability | 9.良好的判断力;Good sense | 10.具有一定的创新能力;Has certain innovation ability

3. 理智:理想中的求婚男子/Prince Charming | 理智/good sense | 力量悬殊的战斗/unequal battle

4. 判定力强:good points 优点 | good sense 判定力强 | good shape 良形

good sense 单语例句

1. Your article makes good sense and is very indicative of the business of economics.

2. " A strike wouldn't have any sense and there are good chances of closing a deal, " Beretta said Monday.

3. Social protection programs then make good economic sense - acting to broaden and deepen opportunities for all and thus building more resilient and inclusive economies.

4. " Somewhere that gives you a sense of belonging and a good quality of life, " he said.

5. People who are criticizing Locke for being thrifty lack basic common sense and refuse to see the good aspects of life.

6. good sense的反义词

6. People usually know what's needed in their communities and they have a good sense of the competence and character of the leaders they choose.

7. Rong said the swift denouncement by Indian authorities of the report is proof of the Indian government's good sense.

8. good sense的意思

8. A good cartoonist must have sharp eyes, an agile mind and a burning sense of right and wrong.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Having the government fully finance core public health activities makes good economic and public health sense.

10. good sense

10. Leung said the company hopes to find investors with both good business sense and financial strength.

good sense 英英释义

good sense


1. sound practical judgment

    e.g. Common sense is not so common
           he hasn't got the sense God gave little green apples
           fortunately she had the good sense to run away

    Synonym: common sense gumption horse sense sense mother wit
