
galax ['geɪlæks]  ['geɪlæks] 

galax 基本解释
galax 网络解释


1. 加莱克斯草:galatine 冷冻食品 | galax 加莱克斯草 | galaxy 星系

2. 乳:fum 烟 | galax 乳 | -ile (形容词后缀)易...的

3. 加莱克斯:Fredericksburg 弗雷德里克斯堡 | Galax 加莱克斯 | Harrisonburg 哈里森堡

galax 双语例句

1. The slim Muslim reached his climax when he found the axis of the galax y.


2. A team of scientists observed a group of galax ies that formed when two galaxy clusters smash ed into each other.

3. In recent years, astronomers have learned that galax ies in the nearby universe are uniformly about 700 times as massive as the black holes at their cores.


4. Large spiral galax ies like the Milky Way seem to have two or three per century.

5. In other Now the galax y ies is full of gas and dust, which could hide a distant supernova optically, but the remnant which would still produce s detectable radio wave s and X-rays.
    如今的星系充满了气体和粉尘,这会从视觉上掩盖遥远的超新星,但超新星残骸仍会产生可检测到的射电电波和 X 射线。

6. And a spokesman for the committee, said the support by a majority of workers at the three Galax, VA-based companies made them duty bound to follow through with the petition filing.

7. The businesspeople and politicians gathering on their Swiss Alp next week should certainly spend more time worrying about the citizens of Galax; but they also need to be far more courageous about defending a process that can do so much good even if its impact can sometimes appear so cruel.

8. Gluers and sawyers from the furniture factories in Galax near the mountains of Virginia lost their jobs last year when American retailers decided they could find a better supplier in china.

galax 英英释义


1. tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall

    Synonym: galaxy wandflower beetleweed coltsfoot Galax urceolata
