1. 款冬:coltish 轻佻的 | coltsfoot 款冬 | colubrid 无毒蛇
2. 款冬葉,舒緩和柔軟:Coconut oil:椰仁油,保濕劑 | Coltsfoot:款冬葉,舒緩和柔軟 | Comfrey root:康富力根,溫和收斂、提姑供天然綠色
3. 款冬花:杜松莓 juniper berries | 款冬花 coltsfoot | 牛蒡根 burdock root
1. perennial herb with large rounded leaves resembling a colt's foot and yellow flowers appearing before the leaves do
native to Europe but now nearly cosmopolitan
used medicinally especially formerly
Synonym: Tussilago farfara
2. tufted evergreen perennial herb having spikes of tiny white flowers and glossy green round to heart-shaped leaves that become coppery to maroon or purplish in fall
Synonym: galax galaxy wandflower beetleweed Galax urceolata