
fuddle ['fʌdl]  ['fʌdəl] 







fuddle 基本解释

动词灌醉; 狂饮; 使迷糊; 使烂醉


fuddle 网络解释

1. 烂醉:庄稼会变得根深叶( foliar叶的)茂,开花( flower )结果( fruit ). 女人在家要纺纱织布( flax亚麻布),要剪羊毛( fleece ). 这样男耕女织,农牧并举,如果邀天之宠( favor恩惠) ,生活过得不错,男人一高兴,就要喝得烂醉( fuddle ).

2. 灌醉:fuddle one's nose 大醉 | fuddle 灌醉 | fuddy-duddy 唠叨的人

3. 使烂醉:fucusamide 墨角藻酰胺 | fuddle 使烂醉 | fuddle 灌醉

4. 灌醉/使烂醉/使迷糊/狂饮/烂醉:fucusamide /墨角藻酰胺/ | fuddle /灌醉/使烂醉/使迷糊/狂饮/烂醉/ | fuddy-duddy /唠叨的人/守旧者/

fuddle 双语例句

1. The former might confuse the readers and fuddle their comprehension, while the latter might neglect the author`s intention and lower the translation`s class.

2. He deplores the tendency of modern prime ministers and presidents to want to be their own foreign ministers and to believe themselves capable of cutting through diplomatic fuddle with charm and dash.

3. Mr Sonnenfeldt was contemptuous of other interpreters at Nuremberg who, through a thick lard of Swabian consonants or Polish syntax, could fuddle questioner and questioned alike.

4. The fuddle spent together with you the rest of the spring, the hottest, I where to go.

5. Do remember you are there to fuddle him.


6. Sometimes he gets in a fuddle and then he can't find things.

7. The former might confuse the readers and fuddle their comprehension, while the latter might neglect the author's intention and lower the translation's class.

8. Fuddle oneself with whisky

9. My brain's in a fuddle.

10. JUst let him go, since he has been in such a fuddle state.

11. You want to fuddle him?

12. I think that I have never want Chinese elderships to take great care of me, but Chinese elderships should not bother me in a fuddle.

13. The depression comes cannot from already when, I am met oneself burst into tears after fuddle.

14. Allegedly outstanding investor Lei Jun once fuddle one's cap is celebrated 3 days with showing.

fuddle 单语例句

1. The dwindling market share of foreign wines in China is not reducing winemakers'ambition to fuddle more Chinese people.

fuddle 英英释义



1. fuddle

1. a confused multitude of things

    Synonym: clutter jumble muddle mare's nest welter smother


1. be confusing or perplexing to
    cause to be unable to think clearly

    e.g. These questions confuse even the experts
           This question completely threw me
           This question befuddled even the teacher

    Synonym: confuse throw fox befuddle bedevil confound discombobulate

2. consume alcohol

    e.g. We were up drinking all night

    Synonym: drink booze

3. fuddle在线翻译

3. make stupid with alcohol

    Synonym: befuddle
