
discombobulate [ˌdɪskəm'bɒbjʊleɪt]  [ˌdɪskəmˈbɑbjəˌlet] 

discombobulate 基本解释


discombobulate 网络解释


1. 扰乱:disclosure of self 内心表露 | discombobulate 扰乱 | discombobulating theory 困乱论困乱论

2. 使混乱:disarray杂乱,混乱,vt | discombobulate 使混乱 | discompose 使不安

3. 双风贯耳扰乱对方:Counter with cross to left cheek.|回一记侧拳 击向对方左脸 | Discombobulate.|双风贯耳扰乱对方 | Dazed, he'll attempt wild haymaker.|混乱 眩晕 他会使劲全力进攻

4. 使泄气:discolordiscolourdistain 使变色 | discombobulate 使泄气 | discomfit 败走

discombobulate 双语例句

1. I can also see why you're discombobulate d by their sympathy.


2. We have hinted that there are more things pending, which will discombobulate the establishment and put rips in the cover-up.

3. When pressed they admitted they had withheld the full meaning of the crop circle, in order to discombobulate the establishment so that the cover-up over the presence of Planet X might crack

discombobulate 英英释义


1. be confusing or perplexing to
    cause to be unable to think clearly

    e.g. These questions confuse even the experts
           This question completely threw me
           This question befuddled even the teacher

    Synonym: confuse throw fox befuddle fuddle bedevil confound

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. cause to be confused emotionally

    Synonym: bewilder bemuse throw
