
foggy [ˈfɒgi]  [ˈfɔ:gi] 



foggy 基本解释


形容词有雾的; 雾气朦胧的; 模糊的; 混乱的

foggy 相关例句


1. That was a foggy morning.

2. I haven't the foggiest idea of how to solve this problem.

3. Foggy weather has made driving conditions very dangerous.

foggy 网络解释

1. 雾:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.

2. 大霧:天有阴(cloudy)晴(sunny),也有刮风(windy)下雨(rainy),少不了冰天(icy)雪地(snowy),一年之中总有许几次大雾(foggy)天气. 暖(warm)热(hot)冷(cold)凉(cool)四季交替,总觉空气时常干(dry)湿(wet)不透气.

3. 有雾的:Fog 浓雾 | Foggy 有雾的 | Mist 雾

4. 雾深的:fogger 信号手 | foggy 雾深的 | foghorn 雾号

foggy 词典解释

1. 有雾的
    When it is foggy, there is fog.

    e.g. It's quite foggy now...
    e.g. Conditions were damp and foggy after morning sleet.

2. 一点儿也不知道;根本没什么概念
    If you say that you haven't the foggiest or you haven't the foggiest idea, you are emphasizing that you do not know something.

    e.g. I did not have the foggiest idea what he meant...
    e.g. 'How often does it need to be changed?' — 'Haven't the foggiest.'

foggy 单语例句

1. Complaints of the foggy weather spread quickly on the Internet, as the mist and subsequent congestion dampened many people's plans for weekend outings.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. It is a place where hot winds rush north and cold ones drift south, creating rainy and foggy weather that lingers for days at a time.

3. The HKO said it expects temperatures to climb higher this week and the weather may become damp and foggy over the weekend.

4. In this damp and foggy season, the quiet southeast ancient town calms and relaxes the soul.

5. With its eerie, foggy moor it's the perfect place for her to hide away.

6. The foggy weather has already affected parts of North and East China for days.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. Authorities asked drivers to drive slowly due to the icy roads and foggy conditions, and it also asked farmers to set up vegetable greenhouses to avoid losses.

8. foggy的翻译

8. Three of the 12 executives scheduled to attend the White House meeting attended by phone after their flight was canceled because of foggy weather.

9. The cause of the crash hadn't been determined, but the weather was rainy and foggy and the pilot reported having problems after takeoff.

10. China has had a double summer surprise with two pairs of twin pandas born at a remote and foggy mountain reserve.

foggy 英英释义



1. obscured by fog

    e.g. he could barely see through the fogged window

    Synonym: fogged

2. filled or abounding with fog or mist

    e.g. a brumous October morning

    Synonym: brumous hazy misty

3. indistinct or hazy in outline

    e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
           the trees were just blurry shapes

    Synonym: bleary blurred blurry fuzzy hazy muzzy

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

    Synonym: dazed groggy logy stuporous
