
blurry [ˈblɜ:ri]  [ˈblə:ɪ] 

blurry 基本解释


形容词模糊的; 污脏的,污斑的

blurry 网络解释


1. 模糊的:blurb 夸大 | blurry 模糊的 | blurt 冲口说出

2. 模糊:blurring process 模糊过程 | blurry 模糊 | boat of refractory metal 高熔点金属舟(真空镀膜用)

3. 睡眼惺松的:appetizer 开胃食品 | blurry 睡眼惺松的 | bun 包子

4. 污脏的:blurry 污脏的 | blurryill-definedunclearway-out 不清楚的 | blurt 冲口说出

blurry 词典解释

1. 模糊的;轮廓不清楚的
    A blurry shape is one that has an unclear outline.

    e.g. ...a blurry picture of a man.

blurry 单语例句

1. But as poet Hu Xudong says, the line is becoming blurry.

2. As of 12 at noon on Monday, the city was still in a blurry world with storms and heavy rains continuing.

3. The author is wise in keeping Otto's father a blurry image, which symbolizes the dark history in Germany.

4. The value of revising the Land Management Law is to clarify the blurry areas in current land management practices.

5. Objects appear to him as a blurry outline but he cannot make out features.

6. blurry什么意思

6. He saw a simple LCD player showing some blurry DVD programs in the taxi.

7. blurry的意思

7. The limit in the definition of terrorists and illegal immigrants has become very blurry.

8. " It is a trend that the lines between commercial and consumer products is getting blurry, " Wei said.

9. blurry的意思

9. They'd become too blurry for me to see during our farewells.

10. In China, the lines are more blurry or simply do not exist.

blurry 英英释义



1. blurry的意思

1. indistinct or hazy in outline

    e.g. a landscape of blurred outlines
           the trees were just blurry shapes

    Synonym: bleary blurred foggy fuzzy hazy muzzy
