
flotsam [ˈflɒtsəm]  [ˈflɑ:tsəm] 

flotsam 基本解释

名词废料; 浮货; 零碎物; 流离失所者

flotsam 网络解释

1. 漂浮物:第二,损害优先权(Damage Maritime Lien)的标的是船舶、运费;第三,救助优先权(Salvage Maritime Lien)的标的是船舶、运费、货物、遇难船舶的漂浮物(flotsam)、抛弃物(jetsam)、投弃物(derelict)和遇难船舶的残骸(wreck

2. 福罗参:Goodlund古德兰 | Flotsam福罗参 | GrandMaster天位骑士

3. 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货:jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 | flotsam 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货 | dockyard 造船厂

4. 漂浮物投弃物:Flotsam 漂浮物 | flotsam 漂浮物;投弃物 | flotsam 漂浮物投弃物

flotsam 词典解释

1. (漂在海上或冲到岸边的)漂流物,废料
    Flotsam is rubbish, for example bits of wood and plastic, that is floating on the sea or has been left by the sea on the shore.

    e.g. The water was full of flotsam and refuse.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 流离失所的人;背井离乡的流浪者;无业游民
    You can use flotsam to refer to people who do not have homes or jobs and perhaps have had to leave their own country.

    e.g. He was another of the city's flotsam.

3. 零碎什物;杂乱废物
    You can use flotsam and jetsam to refer to small or unimportant items that are found together, especially ones that have no connection with each other.

    e.g. ...cornflake packets, bottles, and all the flotsam and jetsam of the kitchen.
    e.g. ...flotsam and jetsam on the beach.

flotsam 英英释义


1. flotsam在线翻译

1. the floating wreckage of a ship

    Synonym: jetsam
