fall in

fall in [fɔ:l ɪn]  [fɔl ɪn] 

fall in 基本解释

倒塌; 塌陷; 集合; 同意

fall in 相关例句

fall in什么意思


1. The captain ordered the men to fall in.

2. The roof fell in.

fall in 网络解释

1. 集合:命令队员集合(Fall In)并带队往上移动. 在搜索办公室之前先检查一下走道. 这是为了避免在扫荡房间时遭到后方袭击的预防措施. 从楼梯旁的<<塔荷湖>>(Tahoe)室开始依序进入房间. 本次任务需要从恐怖份子的手中保护外国的重要人士,

2. 填满;填写;(for)替代:fall through 落空,成为泡影 | fall in 填满;填写;(for)替代 | fall out 填写;长胖,变丰满

3. 到达,集中:Fall Out:离去,离开行列. | Fall In:到达,集中. | Fill In:补充.

4. 集合/陷入:91fall ill生病 | 92fall in集合/陷入 | 93fall into落入,陷入

fall in 词典解释
fall in 单语例句

1. Strong wind will make temperatures in northeastern regions fall by six to ten degrees Celsius on Sunday.

2. Temperatures in most parts of southern China will fall by 6 to 9 degrees Celsius under the influence of the cold wave and rain.

3. Obama's decision to bypass the general election's public finance system allows him to use left over primary money in the fall campaign.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The Chinese industry seems to have benefited from a number of skilled Byzantine refugees fleeing the Fall of Constantinople in 1453.

5. A man surnamed Wen was killed in a fall on Thursday when the pole he scaled in order to steal cable broke.

6. NMM's success rate has been steady since it first began calling the outcome of the fall broadcast season in 2005.

7. fall in

7. One bright spot was Canon Inc, which gained despite a fall in the overall market after hiking its dividend outlook.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. Construction of the two reactors, each with a capacity of 1700 megawatts will begin in the fall of 2009.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. Lack of capital due to the sharp fall in export would further impact on the employment rate.

10. The space agency hopes to get funding for a third and final flight next summer, to restock the orbiting lab in case the commercial launch companies fall behind.

fall in 英英释义

fall in在线翻译


1. break down, literally or metaphorically

    e.g. The wall collapsed
           The business collapsed
           The dam broke
           The roof collapsed
           The wall gave in
           The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

    Synonym: collapse cave in give give way break founder

2. to take one's place in a military formation or line

    e.g. Troops fall in!

3. fall in的意思

3. become part of
    become a member of a group or organization

    e.g. He joined the Communist Party as a young man

    Synonym: join get together
