cave in

cave in [keiv in]  [kev ɪn] 

cave in 基本解释

cave in

塌陷; 坍方; (指商店等)倒闭; 投降

cave in 相关例句



1. The enemy had to cave in and surrender.

2. The floods caved in that dike.

3. When did the ceiling cave in ?

cave in 网络解释

cave in的解释

1. (使)下陷,坍塌:catch up 赶上;打断...的话 | cave in (使)下陷,坍塌 | change one's mind 改变主意

2. 塌落:caution sign 警告标志 | cave in 塌落 | cavern 洞穴

3. 陷落:01 Cave In 陷落 | 02 The Bird And The Worm 鸟与虫 | 03 Hello Seattle 哈啰西雅图

4. 沦陷:01. Cave In 沦陷 | 02. The Bird And The Worm飞鸟与爬虫 | 03. Hello Seattle 你好 西雅图

cave in 词典解释

1. cave in的近义词

1. (屋顶、天花板等)塌陷,凹陷
    If something such as a roof or a ceiling caves in, it collapses inwards.

    e.g. Part of the roof has caved in...
    e.g. The wall caved in to reveal a blocked-up Victorian fireplace...

2. cave in在线翻译

2. (尤指迫于压力)突然停止争辩,让步,屈服
    If you cave in, you suddenly stop arguing or resisting, especially when people put pressure on you to stop.

    e.g. After a ruinous strike, the union caved in...
    e.g. The Prime Minister has caved in to backbench pressure...

cave in 单语例句

1. Stone chambers in the cave were sometimes connected by way of corridors.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. He lives in the 100 sq m cave that he dug and relies on vegetables he grows near the cave along with four fishing ponds.

3. Following the chanting of scriptures from caves dotting the mountains, we found two empty cottages with a cave higher up in the mountain.

4. The grotto eaves are expected to prevent rain from cave walls, and stabilize temperature and humidity in the cave and reduce erosion of the stone carvings.

5. The discovery of a secret sealed cave in the wilds of northwestern China in 1900 revealed a treasuretrove of engravings and manuscripts.

6. cave in的反义词

6. The eons have made Zhijin Cave a wonderland for tourists who enjoy its 150 scenic spots in 47 separate caverns.

7. She is livid with Kris for dragging this out, but she won't cave in to his demands that she admit the marriage was fraudulent.

8. China's mine safety officials believe that this refuge cave will lead to the introduction of an emergency refuge system at coal mines in China.

9. The full scope of its godlike omnipresence became apparent to me during a recent trip to Yinhu Cave in Beijing's northern suburbs.

10. A narrow shaft of sunlight streamed through a small opening in the cave roof giving the water an unearthly quality.

cave in 英英释义


1. the sudden collapse of something into a hollow beneath it

    Synonym: subsidence


1. break down, literally or metaphorically

    e.g. The wall collapsed
           The business collapsed
           The dam broke
           The roof collapsed
           The wall gave in
           The roof finally gave under the weight of the ice

    Synonym: collapse fall in give give way break founder
