名词生命极短促之物,蜉蝣; 生命极短暂之物,蜉蝣( ephemeron的名词复数 )
1. 蜉蝣:如蜉蝣(ephemera)等. ②蜻蜒目(Odonata) 虫体多为大中型. 头大,甚活动;复眼发达很大;触角短,刚毛状;口器咀嚼式. 翅两对,膜质多脉,翅前缘近翅顶处常有翅痣. 腹部细长,雄性外生殖器生在腹部第二节上,尾须仅一节. 半变态,稚虫(俗称水虿)水生.
2. 瞬息:Ephedripites 麻黄粉属 | ephemera 瞬息 | ephemerae ephemera的复数
3. 不适应植物[外地引入,因不适应而迅速消失的植物]:epharmone 适应型 | ephemera 不适应植物[外地引入,因不适应而迅速消失的植物] | ephemeretum 短生植物,草本一年生植物
4. 蜉游:7 The Falling of the Leaves 叶落 | 8 Ephemera 蜉游 | 9 The Madness of King Goll 郭尔王之癫狂
1. 昙花一现的事物
You can refer to things which last for only a short time as ephemera .
2. 只在短期内有用之物;(短期内有用之物的)收藏品
Ephemera is things people collect such as old postcards, posters, and bus tickets, which were only intended to last a short time when they were produced.
e.g. ...tickets and other printed ephemera.
e.g. ...Victorian ephemera.
1. something transitory
lasting a day