drive out

drive out [draiv aut]  [draɪv aʊt] 

drive out 基本解释
drive out 相关例句



1. They got a cat to drive out the mice.

2. She has just driven out.

drive out 网络解释

drive out的翻译

1. 赶出去:drive home 用车把...送到家 | drive out 赶出去 | drive up 抬高

2. 驱逐:带动:drive | 驱逐:drive out | 调和解:harmonic solution

3. 驾车外出:drive out of 驱逐出 | drive out 驾车外出 | drive someone mad 气疯

4. 动词 [驱逐]:赶着马车进城 : drive a cart into town | 4. 动词 [驱逐] drive ... out | 赶走外来政权 : drive out the foreign regime

drive out 单语例句

1. Authorities have been trying to cool China's property market by discouraging investment buying that has helped drive prices out of reach for many city dwellers.

2. Wei pointed out many families chose to drive their own cars for long journeys, which often caused driver fatigue and therfore traffic accidents.

3. Chinese local governments are keen to map out investment projects to drive up economic growth with additional spending on infrastructure and manufacturing.

4. The credit squeeze in the past couple of years has sucked the life out of this export drive.

5. China passed regulations last year to curb speculation in the property market and drive out hot money.

6. The new landlord and the developer decided to drive them out, cutting off the power and water supply.

7. He has since become the figurehead of the Change Cycling Now campaign, which calls for a more robust drive to root out drug cheats from the sport.

8. drive out的意思

8. Drawing on experiences from past reforms, the government hammered out the " building a new countryside " drive last year.

9. drive out的解释

9. It was not immediately known if it was an attack by Muslim militants seeking to drive Westerners out of the kingdom.

10. drive out

10. The former'Baywatch'actress admits her sex drive was out of control when she was a teenager growing up in Canada.

drive out 英英释义



1. clear out the chest and lungs

    e.g. This drug expectorates quickly

    Synonym: expectorate clear out

2. force to go away
    used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings

    e.g. Drive away potential burglars
           drive away bad thoughts
           dispel doubts
           The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers

    Synonym: chase away turn back drive away dispel drive off run off

3. force or drive out

    e.g. The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M.

    Synonym: rout out force out rouse
