drive away

drive away [draiv əˈwei]  [draɪv əˈwe] 

drive away 基本解释
drive away 网络解释

1. (汽车)离开:45.thank sb. again and again 反复感谢某人 | away (汽车)离开 | run away 跑开

2. 赶走:12.It would be a shame to... ......将是一件憾事 | away... 赶走 | 14.look alike 看起来一样

3. 开车逃走 run away 逃跑:15 push...into... 把......推进...... | 16 drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑 | 17 try to do sth 尽力做某事

4. (把车)开走:9. from time to time (有时、不时) | 11. drive away (把车)开走 | 12. generally speaking (一般地说)

drive away 单语例句

1. drive away的意思

1. The call came from the local Merlin hospital about 10 minutes'drive away.

2. Its ultimate goal is to overthrow the Afghan government, drive away foreign forces and regain control in the central Asian country.

3. The host soaked up incessant pressure from the visitors with Oakes palming away a van Nistelrooy drive as Wolves clung on for a famous victory.

4. Iglesias decided that the crudity would turn on more fans than it would drive away.

5. They held activities to propitiate their deity, drive away bad luck and pray for a plentiful harvest.

6. He said ginger could drive away cold and sweet potato leaves helped to digest food.

7. He said it is a common belief that pyrotechnics can drive away bad luck and draw in good.

8. This was soon spread to the surrounding villages, and people all got to know the way to drive away the monster Year.

9. Teachers managed to drive it away but not before two students were seriously hurt and rushed to hospital.

10. Chen tried to drive the dog away, but the protective mother just glared and barked at him.

drive away 英英释义

drive away在线翻译


1. force to go away
    used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings

    e.g. Drive away potential burglars
           drive away bad thoughts
           dispel doubts
           The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers

    Synonym: chase away drive out turn back dispel drive off run off
