
divine [dɪˈvaɪn]  [dɪˈvaɪn] 









divine 基本解释

形容词神圣的; 神的, 天赐的; 极好的

及物动词&不及物动词占卜,预言; 猜测, 预测; (用丫形杖)探测(地下水)

名词牧师; 神学家

divine 同义词

形容词holy godlike beautiful delightful excellent heavenly sacred great superb

动词forecast anticipate guess predict foretell prophesy

divine 反义词

形容词animal human

divine 相关例句


1. The concert we attended last night was simply divine.

2. People used to believe in the divine right of kings.


1. How can you divine the truth by mere guesswork?

2. He claimed that he could divine the future.

divine 网络解释

1. 神的:然而路德的理解只有人的外在因素(extra nos )、属神的(Divine)、被赐予(imputed)的义和恩典. 奥古斯丁的本性上的变化成为上帝之人格的参与者(partner)或参与(part)的概念,路德是没有的. 若说奥古斯丁将重点放在借义认化(称义)的恩典,

2. 神圣的:在古代英语中,为divell;而在古代罗马,则是"众神"(divus)之意.也就是说,在古代的传说和传奇中,神和恶魔常被混为一谈.而"神圣的"(divine)和"恶魔般的"(devilish)两个单词在希伯来文中被诠释为"有益"和"有害",

divine 词典解释

1. 天赐的;神的;神圣的
    You use divine to describe something that is provided by or relates to a god or goddess.

    e.g. He suggested that the civil war had been a divine punishment.
    e.g. ...divine inspiration.

The law was divinely ordained.

2. 专门研究神学的牧师
    A divine is a priest who specializes in the study of God and religion.

3. 绝妙的;非凡的;极棒的
    People use divine to express their pleasure or enjoyment of something.

    e.g. 'Isn't it divine?' she said. 'I wish I had the right sort of brooch to lend you for it.'...
    e.g. Darling how lovely to see you, you look simply divine.

...divinely glamorous singer Jeffrey McDonald.

4. 猜测;揣度
    If you divine something, you discover or learn it by guessing.

    e.g. ...the child's ability to divine the needs of its parents and respond to them...
    e.g. From this he divined that she did not like him much.

5. (用探测棒)探测(地下水或矿藏)
    If you divine, you try to find underground supplies of water or minerals, using a special rod or pair of rods.

    e.g. The only reason I was divining for water was because of the drought.
    e.g. ...a divining rod.

divine 单语例句

1. Carol Zaleski of Smith College noted in First Things magazine that''accounts of divine darkness''occur from Christianity's early centuries.

2. He believes Michelangelo was equating God's gift of a soul for Adam with the divine gift of intelligence for mankind.

3. divine的解释

3. The vice president said Christmas is an occasion to imbibe the divine teachings of Lord Jesus Christ and spread joy and happiness.

4. divine

4. One of the unearthed Jinsha relics is a gold foil of the divine solar bird, which is now the symbol of Chengdu and its Chinese cultural heritage.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. Part of the painting, entitled Discussing the Divine Comedy with Dante.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. Tourists have always been on the trail of divine destinations that leave them with heavenly memories - and Beijing's temples readily fit the bill.

7. The shrine played a central role in the wartime state religion that helped mobilize the nation to fight in the name of a divine emperor.

8. She was also mocked for telling television viewers that a dead spiritual guru gave her a " divine premonition of greater responsibility ".

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. She sent divine troops after them and they were beaten with dragon wands and fled to the East China Sea to escape.

10. The Chinese believe to study the past is to divine the future, so maybe Beijing organizers can learn a few lessons from Athens and Sydney.
