
heavenly [ˈhevnli]  [ˈhɛvənli] 




heavenly 基本解释


形容词天国的; 神圣的; 天空的; 庄严的


heavenly 同义词



heavenly 反义词


形容词earthly mundane

heavenly 相关例句



1. The sun is a heavenly body.

2. The sun and the planets are heavenly bodies.

3. What heavenly weather!

heavenly 网络解释

1. 美好的、天国似的:* pastry 面粉糕饼,馅饼皮 | * heavenly 美好的、天国似的 | * to die for 为了...而死 这里形容东西好吃

2. 如天堂的、神圣的:headline 大字标题 | heavenly 如天堂的、神圣的 | hectic 脸上发红、发热的

3. 如天堂的:heavenly bodies 天体 | heavenly 如天堂的 | heavenly-minded 虔敬的

4. 天堂的:heaven 天堂 | heavenly 天堂的 | heavy 沈重的

heavenly 词典解释

1. 天堂的;天国的
    Heavenly things are things that are connected with the religious idea of heaven.

    e.g. ...heavenly beings whose function it is to serve God.

2. 无比美好的;极令人愉快的
    Something that is heavenly is very pleasant and enjoyable.

    e.g. The idea of spending two weeks with him may seem heavenly.

heavenly 单语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. This act of disobedience was punished by the heavenly father, and she ends up marrying a mortal.

2. Le Royal Meridien Le Spa Imagine spending two and a half heavenly hours being pampered at this classy spa.

3. heavenly是什么意思

3. Tourists have always been on the trail of divine destinations that leave them with heavenly memories - and Beijing's temples readily fit the bill.

4. " Bin " is one of the ten Heavenly Stems and " Xu " is one of the 12 Earthly Branches.

5. The Heavenly Water and Earthly Pond will flank the north and south of the garden, with a rose pavilion between them.

6. heavenly的意思

6. " Eightfold Path of the Heavenly Dragon " has inspired many movies and TV series.

7. heavenly的意思

7. It was called the Temple of Heavenly Eternity during the Tang Dynasty and the Temple of the Great Ultimate during the Jin Dynasty.

8. Suzhou is known as a " heavenly city " in history because of it ethereal scenery, fertile lands and rich folk culture.

9. The Heavenly King on the coin girds himself with armor, holding a tower in his right hand with his left arm akimbo.

10. The iconic visage of Chairman Mao still gazes out from the Gate of Heavenly Peace, but what was happening all around me suggested how much things had changed.

heavenly 英英释义



1. of or belonging to heaven or god

2. heavenly的反义词

2. relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven

    e.g. celestial beings
           heavenly hosts

    Synonym: celestial

3. of or relating to the sky

    e.g. celestial map
           a heavenly body

    Synonym: celestial
