
distinct [dɪˈstɪŋkt]  [dɪˈstɪŋkt] 

distinct 基本解释

形容词明显的,清楚的; 卓越的,不寻常的; 有区别的; 确切的

distinct 同义词


形容词obvious exact clear different diverse plain unmistakable separate clear-cut definite precise dissimilar

distinct 反义词


形容词indistinct vague

distinct 相关例句


1. Keep the two ideas distinct.

2. Those two suggestions are quite distinct from each other.

3. You should make your writing distinct.

4. The earth's shadow on the moon was quite distinct.

5. The twins had distinct tastes.

distinct 网络解释


1. 不同的:MAPCAs是大的、完全不同的(distinct)动脉,在数量上有很大变异(highlyvariable),通常起自胸降主动脉,但偶尔可能起自主动脉弓或锁骨下动脉、颈总动脉、甚至冠状动脉.

2. 區別:今日有些教导坚持,在神格里有三个位格 (three personalities并说父、子和那灵不仅有区别(distinct),并且是分开的(separate更有些人相信神格是一个大家庭,由三个个别的成员所组成.

3. 不同:这并不成问题,不过,有时您也许希望仅仅列出不同(distinct)的值. 数据库中的表可通过键将彼此联系起来. 主键(Primary Key)是一个列,在这个列中的每一行的值都是唯一的. 在表中,每个主键的值都是唯一的. 这样做的目的是在不重复每个表中的所有数据的情况下,

distinct 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 有区别的;不同的;个别的
    If something is distinct from something else of the same type, it is different or separate from it.

    e.g. Engineering and technology are disciplines distinct from one another and from science...
    e.g. This book is divided into two distinct parts.

...a banking industry with two distinctly different sectors.

2. 清楚的;清晰的;明显的
    If something is distinct, you can hear, see, or taste it clearly.

    e.g. ...to impart a distinct flavor with a minimum of cooking fat.

I distinctly heard the loudspeaker calling passengers for the Turin-Amsterdam flight.

3. 确定无疑的;确切的;清楚的
    If an idea, thought, or intention is distinct, it is clear and definite.

    e.g. Now that Tony was no longer present, there was a distinct change in her attitude...
    e.g. I have distinct memories of him in his last years.

I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.

4. distinct

4. 显著的;明显的
    You can use distinct to emphasize that something is great enough in amount or degree to be noticeable or important.

    e.g. Being 6ft 3in tall has some distinct disadvantages!
    e.g. Another Cup marathon between the two sides is now a distinct possibility.

His government is looking distinctly shaky.

5. 截然不同于;完全不同于;有区别于
    If you say that you are talking about one thing as distinct from another, you are indicating exactly which thing you mean.

    e.g. There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.

distinct 单语例句

1. Ernst & Young undertook surveys with two distinct segments of business leaders, executives in large multinational companies and the world's foremost entrepreneurs.

2. Chinese luxury travelers also exhibited distinct loyalty to international cachet, the report found.

3. And thanks to the success of capitalism some will live better than others, a housing development outside Shanghai is called Thames Village and has a distinct English theme.

4. Xiang commented that a number of Chinese companies have already learnt to leverage investment and capitalize on global resources and thus gained distinct advantages.

5. " Public " and " listed " are terms often used carelessly, however both are distinct concepts in the US.

6. distinct的意思

6. ESDP stands for European Security and Defense Program, the rubric under which European allies have sought to carve out a distinct defense policy.

7. distinct的意思

7. While this makes for a catchy political message, it has the distinct disadvantage of being wrong.

8. Anger also flared in this Russian Orthodox part of the Caucasus mountains, ethnically and religiously distinct from the nearby Muslim regions of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

9. distinct什么意思

9. Of the 26 embryos that developed enough for them to observe, two had these distinct internal cell masses that scientists think are characteristic of twins.

10. The crisp skin of the duck is actually the most prized part and the charcoal adds a distinct flavour to the taste of the duck.

distinct 英英释义


1. clearly or sharply defined to the mind

    e.g. clear-cut evidence of tampering
           Claudius was the first to invade Britain with distinct...intentions of conquest
           trenchant distinctions between right and wrong

    Synonym: clear-cut trenchant

2. recognizable

    e.g. noticed a distinct improvement
           at a distinct (or decided) disadvantage

    Synonym: decided

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. easy to perceive
    especially clearly outlined

    e.g. a distinct flavor
           a distinct odor of turpentine
           a distinct outline
           the ship appeared as a distinct silhouette
           distinct fingerprints

4. (often followed by `from') not alike
    different in nature or quality

    e.g. plants of several distinct types
           the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses
           gold is distinct from iron
           a tree related to but quite distinct from the European beech
           management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees

    Synonym: distinguishable

5. distinct的翻译

5. constituting a separate entity or part

    e.g. a government with three discrete divisions
           on two distinct occasions

    Synonym: discrete
