
distinguishable [dɪ'stɪŋɡwɪʃəbl]  [dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃəbl:] 

distinguishable 基本解释

形容词可区别的,可辨别的; 可分辨

distinguishable 相关例句



1. Those figures are not easily distinguishable.

distinguishable 网络解释

1. 可区别的:distinguishability 可区别性 | distinguishable 可区别的 | distinguished 著名的

2. 辨认得出的:distinguishable 辨认得出的 | distinguishing 有区别的 | distinguishingbetweenthesexessexuality 性别

3. 区别得出的:区ancientvolumemeasuresurnamearearegiondistrictsmalldistinguisharrondissementriding | 区别得出的distinguishable | 区别的discriminative

4. (可区别的, 可辨识的):distinguished (卓著的, 著名的, 高贵的) | distinguishable (可区别的, 可辨识的) | exasperate (激怒)

distinguishable 词典解释

1. 可以区别开的;可以辨明的
    If something is distinguishable from other things, it has a quality or feature which makes it possible for you to recognize it and see that it is different.

    e.g. ...features that make their products distinguishable from those of their rivals...
    e.g. This is vintage port, and it is distinguishable by its deep red colour.

2. 可辨认的;可辨识的
    If something is distinguishable, you can see or hear it in conditions when it is difficult to see or hear anything.

    e.g. He put his ear to the floor and heard angry shouts, but no words were distinguishable...
    e.g. It was getting light and shapes were more distinguishable.

distinguishable 单语例句

1. The area's 23 million migrant workers often share dormitories distinguishable from the factories only by the factory uniforms hanging outside windows.

2. Taiwan Island is surrounded by ocean on all sides, but its many sections of coastline have their own distinguishable features.

3. Every movement is a distinguishable feature, but is ultimately unified under the theme of highland character.

4. That was not statistically distinguishable from the October result of 49 per cent approving and 48 per cent disapproving.

5. It is distinguishable by an unusual, slightly bitter floral finish that resembles almond skins on the palate.

6. distinguishable是什么意思

6. The State Trademark Evaluation Commission ruled in 2003 that Singapore Crocodile's Cartelo crocodile trademark was distinguishable from Lacoste's and could therefore be registered.

distinguishable 英英释义



1. capable of being perceived as different or distinct

    e.g. only the shine of their metal was distinguishable in the gloom
           a project distinguishable into four stages of progress
           distinguishable differences between the twins

2. (often followed by `from') not alike
    different in nature or quality

    e.g. plants of several distinct types
           the word `nationalism' is used in at least two distinct senses
           gold is distinct from iron
           a tree related to but quite distinct from the European beech
           management had interests quite distinct from those of their employees

    Synonym: distinct
