
dispersion [dɪˈspɜ:ʃn]  [dɪˈspɜ:rʒn] 

dispersion 基本解释


名词散布; 驱散; 离差; 差量

dispersion 网络解释

1. 弥散:<<自然>>杂志说,在王利军的实验中,构成光脉冲的不同频率部分(different frequency components)在媒介中经历了轻微的弥散(dispersion),其相对相位(relative phases)被改变,脉冲形状产生移动(the pulse shape is shifted),

dispersion 词典解释

1. dispersion在线翻译

1. 分散;疏散;驱散;散布
    Dispersion is the spreading of people or things over a wide area.

    e.g. The threat will force greater dispersion of their forces.

dispersion 单语例句

1. dispersion

1. But we should keep in mind that financial innovation can help promote market stability by facilitating the transfer and dispersion of risks.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. " So you'll probably see a lot more dispersion of bars throughout the city, " he said.

3. Beijing also refuted allegations Hanoi made against Chinese fishing boats and said their dispersion by Vietnamese warships in the disputed waters was groundless.

4. There is no universally optimal global architecture such as concentration in one location or dispersion to many locations.

5. dispersion的意思

5. With the spread of Chinese culture and dispersion of overseas Chinese, the status and influence of Taishan are expanding beyond East Asia to the entire world.

6. The report said that surrounding mountain ranges block air circulation and prevent the dispersion of pollutants.

dispersion 英英释义



1. the act of dispersing or diffusing something

    e.g. the dispersion of the troops
           the diffusion of knowledge

    Synonym: dispersal dissemination diffusion

2. dispersion是什么意思

2. the spatial or geographic property of being scattered about over a range, area, or volume

    e.g. worldwide in distribution
           the distribution of nerve fibers
           in complementary distribution

    Synonym: distribution

3. danci.911cha.com

3. spreading widely or driving off

    Synonym: scattering
