
dispersal [dɪˈspɜ:sl]  [dɪˈspɜ:rsl] 

dispersal 基本解释


名词分散; 散布; 消散; 驱散

dispersal 相关例句



1. After the dispersal of the crowd, five people were found to be hurt.

dispersal 网络解释


1. 散布:由粒线体去氧核醣核酸分析,族群间共有的基因型可能为原始的母系基因型,两两族群间共有的基因型表示族群间有基因流动 (gene flow),由以上两点显示族群的散布(dispersal) 是有方向性的.

2. 分散:第 一,对全球化的通俗想像里,通常把全球化视为迈向一体化,人及物自由流动的整合平台,莎辛首先质疑这种想像的地理特质,她指出,全球生产及贸易网络的确有 分散(dispersal)的趋势,但是,我们不能不注意,同时有集中(concentration)的趋势同时存在,

3. 扩散:根据聚集时间的长短可将群集分为临时性群集和永久性群集两类:前者只是在某一虫(二)扩散 (dispersal) 扩散是指昆虫个体在一定时间内发生空间变化的现象.

4. 散布的:此外,分散(dispersion)有时可作为散布的(dispersal)同义词,而这个术语表示由于个体分散的结果而出现的状态,即含有分布形式的意思,藉以与一般的分散一词区别开来.

dispersal 词典解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 散开;散布;传播
    Dispersal is the spreading of things over a wide area.

    e.g. Plants have different mechanisms of dispersal for their spores.

2. 疏散;分散
    The dispersal of a crowd involves splitting it up and making the people leave in different directions.

    e.g. The police ordered the dispersal of the crowds gathered round the building.

dispersal 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. The heads of local governments in various regions are attempting to convince residents not to fear radiation and to allow for dispersal of rubble.

2. Their demonstration ended on May 19 when the government resorted to military for dispersal.

3. Low wind speed recent days went against the dispersal of air pollutants, which has been heated by warm winter in northern China.

4. dispersal

4. This process prevents the dispersal of compounds that contribute to acid rain.

dispersal 英英释义


1. the act of dispersing or diffusing something

    e.g. the dispersion of the troops
           the diffusion of knowledge

    Synonym: dispersion dissemination diffusion
