






differentiates 基本解释
区分,区别,辨别( differentiate的第三人称单数 );区别对待;表明…间的差别,构成…间差别的特征;
differentiates 网络解释

1. 画 drawn 区分:有生产力地 productively | 画 drawn 区分 differentiates | 画 draws 区别 difference

differentiates 单语例句

1. The American Library Association challenged the CIPA in 2001 arguing " no filtering software successfully differentiates constitutionally protected speech from illegal speech on the Internet ".

2. differentiates

2. Yang differentiates between interest groups and special interest groups, and says only the latter are illegal and harmful.

3. But JJ could also refer to the part of the anatomy that differentiates him from her.

4. This trait especially differentiates the " container " school from other schools.

5. differentiates在线翻译

5. Ibiza's geographical distance from Sanlitun differentiates it from most clubs around Workers'Stadium.

6. Austrian law differentiates between the severity of rapes and levels of coercion, and takes into account the degree of violence used and the consequences for the victim.

7. Without changing costumes, he differentiates these roles from each other by giving each part a unique stage personality.

8. differentiates的解释

8. The initiative differentiates Changan's work horse mini vehicles from the more lucrative passenger car business.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. Lin differentiates himself from traditional businessmen who are always in pursuit of profit over social responsibility.

10. He says it differentiates crimes committed by private entrepreneurs in their initial development from other crimes.
