
differentiate [ˌdɪfəˈrenʃieɪt]  [ˌdɪfəˈrɛnʃiˌet] 








differentiate 基本解释



及物动词表明…间的差别,构成…间差别的特征; [数学] 求…的微分:计算导数或(函数的)微分

differentiate 网络解释

1. 区分:阶段1.识别(Identify)谁是你的客户;阶段2.区分(Differentiate)以客户对企业的价值和需求为标准进行相应的区分;阶段3.互动(interact)与客户互动;改进的做法:记住通过所有接触点的与客户的联系,包括网络.

2. 分化:干细胞(stem cells)具有几项特性,一是可以分裂增殖另一个与本身完全相同的细胞;二为其不具特殊化的功能;三是可以依其所存在的情况分化(differentiate)成为多种特定功能的体细胞,例如:会跳动的心肌细胞,会分泌胰导素的胰脏细胞等.

3. 辨别,区分:differ 不同,意见不合 | differentiate 辨别,区分 | difficult 艰难,费力的

4. 求...的导数:differential mean value theorem 微分中值定理 | differentiate 求...的导数 | differentiate from first principle 从基本原理求导数

differentiate 词典解释

1. 区分;区别;辨别
    If you differentiate between things or if you differentiate one thing from another, you recognize or show the difference between them.

    e.g. A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world...
    e.g. At this age your baby cannot differentiate one person from another.

2. 使有差别;使不同
    A quality or feature that differentiates one thing from another makes the two things different.

    e.g. ...distinctive policies that differentiate them from the other parties.

The differentiation between the two product ranges will increase.
differentiate 单语例句

1. differentiate的解释

1. In order to differentiate from ordinary kind of food, green food is denoted by a special symbol.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. But some studies have shown that residual stem cells that fail to differentiate can turn cancerous later on.

3. If our children are allowed to become captive to materialism, later generations may become unable to differentiate between material riches and emotional or spiritual riches.

4. Stem cells can divide and differentiate into different types of cells in the body.

5. But to understand the typical Western approach to regulations on pornography we have to differentiate soft and hardcore porn from child pornography.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. Mrs Spooner admitted that telling them apart was sometimes still tricky and she is dressing them in different coloured clothes to differentiate.

7. Operational excellence is a factor for strategic success in highly competitive markets where there is little to differentiate the basic products.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. The satellite will be able to differentiate objects a metre or more in diameter, though US military satellites offer far better levels of resolution.

9. " It is part of China Unicom's efforts to differentiate its services, " Dai said.

10. The project will fill the gap in existing measurement studies by satellites and submarines which cannot differentiate between layers of ice and snow.

differentiate 英英释义


1. differentiate的翻译

1. become distinct and acquire a different character

2. evolve so as to lead to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment

    Synonym: speciate specialize specialise

3. become different during development

    e.g. cells differentiate

4. calculate a derivative
    take the derivative

5. mark as different

    e.g. We distinguish several kinds of maple

    Synonym: distinguish separate secern secernate severalize severalise tell tell apart

6. differentiate的解释

6. be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait
    sometimes in a very positive sense

    e.g. His modesty distinguishes him from his peers

    Synonym: distinguish mark
