
devilishly [ˈdevəlɪʃli]  [ˈdevəlɪʃli] 

devilishly 基本解释
devilishly 网络解释

1. 过分地:devilish 如恶魔般的 | devilishly 过分地 | devilishness 可怕

2. 恶极地:devilish 如恶魔的 | devilishly 恶极地 | devilled 蘸了很多芥末的

3. 恶极地/厉害地:devilish /如恶魔的/可怕的/非常的/ | devilishly /恶极地/厉害地/ | devilishness /可怕/非常/

4. 穷凶极恶地; 厉害地 (副):devest 剥夺、褫夺 (动) | devilishly 穷凶极恶地; 厉害地 (副) | devilishness 可怕 (名)

devilishly 单语例句

1. There's a devilishly odd nexus of theology, mathematics and commercialism on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year.

2. devilishly

2. Little do you know how we laugh devilishly inside every time we hear you speak these words.

3. devilishly的近义词

3. Devilishly engineered to save costs, the toilet was but a hole in the floor.

4. Angel Club is a heavenly nightspot where Beijing's pretty things dance devilishly.

5. devilishly的翻译

5. To celebrate the opening of " The Devil Wears Prada " Lan Kwai Fong at Park 97, together with Cointreau will host a devilishly stylish after launch party.

devilishly 英英释义



1. (used as intensives) extremely

    e.g. she was madly in love
           deadly dull
           deadly earnest
           deucedly clever
           insanely jealous

    Synonym: madly insanely deadly deucedly

2. in a playfully devilish manner

    e.g. the socialists are further handicapped if they believe that capitalists are not only wicked but also devilishly clever

    Synonym: devilish

3. as a devil
    in an evil manner

    e.g. his writing could be diabolically satiric

    Synonym: diabolically fiendishly
