
deadly [ˈdedli]  [ˈdɛdli] 




deadly 基本解释


形容词极端的,非常的; 致命的,致死的; 非常有效的; 如死一般的

副词极其,非常; 死了一样地

deadly 网络解释

1. 致命的:是历史上最致命的传染病之一. 那次高死亡率(high mortality)的流感也是由一种高致病性(virulent)与致命的(deadly)甲型H1N1病毒亚型引起的. ...

2. 非常地;极其地;死了似的. 例如:She stopped dead . 她突然停了下来. | deadly 非常地;极其地;死了似的. 例如: | I was deadly sleepy . 我非常困.

deadly 词典解释

1. deadly在线翻译

1. 致命的;致死的
    If something is deadly, it is likely or able to cause someone's death, or has already caused someone's death.

    e.g. He was acquitted on charges of assault with a deadly weapon.
    e.g. ...a deadly disease currently affecting dolphins...

2. 为达目的不择手段的;阴险毒辣的;冷酷无情的
    If you describe a person or their behaviour as deadly, you mean that they will do or say anything to get what they want, without caring about other people.

    e.g. His mother's voice was one he knew; ice cold and deadly...
    e.g. The Duchess levelled a deadly look at Nikko.

3. 非常乏味的;极其无聊的
    If you describe someone or something as deadly, you mean that you think they are very dull and boring.

    e.g. She finds these parties deadly.

4. (尤用于强调令人不快或不受欢迎的特质) 极其,非常
    You can use deadly to emphasize that something has a particular quality, especially an unpleasant or undesirable quality.

    e.g. Broadcast news was accurate and reliable but deadly dull...
    e.g. The north wind was bitter and deadly cold...

5. 极有害的;破坏性的
    A deadly situation has unpleasant or dangerous consequences.

    e.g. ...the deadly combination of low expectations and low achievement.
    e.g. It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap.

6. (敌人或对手)殊死的,不共戴天的
    Deadly enemies or rivals fight or compete with each other in a very aggressive way.

    e.g. The two became deadly enemies...
    e.g. That would make the competition between rival suppliers even deadlier.


7. (运动员或其动作)极富技巧性的,极难防御的
    In sport, deadly players and actions are extremely skilful and successful.

    e.g. ...the fastest and deadliest bowlers in world cricket today.

deadly 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Malaysian police have arrested more than 30 people and seized a cache of methamphetamine, better known as the deadly drug ice.

2. The central government is calling on China's coal mines to invest more in safety, in the wake of a number of deadly gas explosions.


3. That is a price I can afford to pay, compared with further exposure to the deadly diseases that smoking can trigger.

4. Fear of contracting bird flu, even though no case of the deadly disease has been reported in the capital.

5. The move showed that the central government seems increasingly determined to curb the carnage at deadly coal mines.

6. The massacre has ignited a frenzy of international condemnation that held the Syrian government responsible for the deadly carnage.

7. It had been widely believed that deadly bacteria in the carnivorous lizard's mouth helped kill its prey.

8. Cast your mind back to the shocking images of the deadly earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan one year ago.

9. deadly的意思

9. Some of the world's biggest quakes strike in subduction zones including the catastrophic Indian Ocean temblor in 2004 that generated deadly tsunami waves.

10. Boats routinely jostle for position during crab catching season, and three deadly naval clashes since 1999 have taken a few dozen lives.

deadly 英英释义



1. (of a disease) having a rapid course and violent effect

2. deadly的反义词

2. causing or capable of causing death

    e.g. a fatal accident
           a deadly enemy
           mortal combat
           a mortal illness

    Synonym: deathly mortal

3. of an instrument of certain death

    e.g. deadly poisons
           lethal weapon
           a lethal injection

    Synonym: lethal

4. exceedingly harmful

    Synonym: baneful pernicious pestilent

5. involving loss of divine grace or spiritual death

    e.g. the seven deadly sins

    Synonym: mortal(a)


6. extremely poisonous or injurious
    producing venom

    e.g. venomous snakes
           a virulent insect bite

    Synonym: venomous virulent


1. (used as intensives) extremely

    e.g. she was madly in love
           deadly dull
           deadly earnest
           deucedly clever
           insanely jealous

    Synonym: madly insanely deucedly devilishly

2. as if dead

    Synonym: lifelessly
