
bleak [bli:k]  [blik] 



bleak 基本解释

形容词暗淡的,昏暗的; 没有指望的; 寒冷的,刺骨的; 无遮蔽的,荒凉的


bleak 相关例句


1. I don't like the bleak winters in Moscow.

2. The future looked bleak.

3. Two weeks in hospital seems a bleak prospect.

4. Thousands of trees were planted on the bleak hillside last year.

5. This is the bleakest novel I've ever read.

bleak 网络解释


1. 荒凉的:incessant#不断的 | bleak#荒凉的 | despicable#可鄙的

2. 阴冷的:119. instinctive 天生的,本能的 | 120. bleak 阴冷的 | 121. brisk 轻快活泼的

3. 萧瑟的:bleaching 漂白法 | bleak 萧瑟的 | blear 模糊

bleak 词典解释

1. (情形)没有希望的,前景暗淡的
    If a situation is bleak, it is bad, and seems unlikely to improve.

    e.g. The immediate outlook remains bleak...
    e.g. Many predicted a bleak future.

The continued bleakness of the American job market was blamed.

2. (地方)凄清的,荒凉的,萧瑟的
    If you describe a place as bleak, you mean that it looks cold, empty, and unattractive.

    e.g. The island's pretty bleak.
    e.g. ...bleak inner-city streets.

3. (天气)阴冷的,寒冷的
    When the weather is bleak, it is cold, dull, and unpleasant.

    e.g. The weather can be quite bleak on the coast.

4. (人)无精打采的,沮丧的,阴郁的
    If someone looks or sounds bleak, they look or sound depressed, as if they have no hope or energy.

    e.g. His face was bleak...
    e.g. Alberg gave him a bleak stare.

bleak 单语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. However, studying in the carpentry school doesn't necessarily mean a bleak future.

2. While today may appear bleak, there was some consolation for Zhang yesterday.

3. bleak什么意思

3. But then talk turns to the state of the Union, and the Optimists become decidedly bleak.


4. Bleak and desolate construction sites are magnets for China's young enthusiasts of urban exploration.

5. The figures underscore the rather bleak prospects for a looming labor shortage in the SAR, with a rapidly aging population and a sharply falling youth population.

6. bleak的近义词

6. US employment is also expected to remain bleak, as investors focus on the monthly jobs data due out on Friday.


7. Investors took a bleak view of the future, seeing no end to the crisis in the near term.

8. Shen said external demand has waned as world economic growth turned bleak, weighing on China's exports expansion.

9. With the family facing a bleak financial future, the court sought mediation.


10. With a bleak economic outlook, participants of the summit saw a bright spot in the island's economy.
