
demoniacal [ˌdi:mə'naɪəkl]  [ˌdi:mə'naɪəkəl] 

demoniacal 基本解释
demoniacal 网络解释

1. 着魔之人:demoniac 魔鬼的 | demoniacal 着魔之人 | demoniacally 魔鬼似地

2. 魔鬼的/凶恶的:demoniac /着魔的/恶魔的/着魔的人/ | demoniacal /魔鬼的/凶恶的/ | demoniacally /魔鬼地/凶恶地/

demoniacal 双语例句


1. This sentence was spoken with the bitterness of self upbraiding, and a contortion of visage absolutely demoniacal.

2. A fit of bad temper or pique. demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit.

3. To possess by or as if by a demon. demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit.

4. One that delights or fascinates. demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit.

5. At the end of the sixteenth century, De Lancre sees in the sea the origin of the demoniacal leanings of an entire people: the hazardous labor of ships, dependence on the stars, hereditary secrets, estrangement from women-the very image of the great, turbulent plain itself makes man lose faith in God and all his attachment to his home; he is then in the hands of the Devil, in the sea of Satan's ruses
    在16世纪末,De Lancre在这片海洋中看到了人们身上总体具有的狂乱倾向:船上危险的水手,对占星术的相信,代代相传的秘密,对女人的疏远--正是这种对雄伟的、喧闹的陆地的幻想导致了对上帝和天国丧失信仰。人们于是处于魔鬼的控制下。


6. Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain.


7. Demoniac energy; a demoniacal fit.

8. Audible for a moment even above the demoniacal hooting.

9. The demoniacal behaviour of the crowd frightened me.

10. The police have no idea who is responsible for these demoniacal killings.

demoniacal 英英释义



1. frenzied as if possessed by a demon

    e.g. the soldier was completely amuck
           berserk with grief
           a berserk worker smashing windows

    Synonym: amuck amok berserk demoniac possessed(p)
