
amok [əˈmɒk]  [əˈmɑ:k] 

amok 基本解释

形容词& 副词杀人狂,狂乱地,杀气腾腾地

amok 网络解释


1. 残暴性狂症:amoeboid movement 变形运动 | amok 残暴性狂症 | amoral character 非道德品格

2. 杀气腾腾的:amoebic dysentery 阿米巴性痢疾 | amok 杀气腾腾的 | amorphism 无定形

3. (炮灰):4.6 DOS的其它常用命令 | AMOK(炮灰) | Abuse(狂暴战士)

amok 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. (人或动物)发狂,狂暴,疯狂
    If a person or animal runs amok, they behave in a violent and uncontrolled way.

    e.g. A soldier was arrested after running amok with a vehicle through Berlin.

amok 单语例句

1. The Terminator and Robocop series of films also portrayed mechanical law enforcers running amok.

2. But some fear the consequences of mob justice running amok on the Web, where the court of public opinion makes its own laws.

3. Fourteen people have been knifed in a Chinese internet cafe after two men ran amok in a terrifying 20 minute attack.

4. From this point on Lee take a severe detour from actual history and allows dramatic license to run amok.

5. amok的意思

5. These weapons were seized from two students who had planned to run amok at a school in Cologne on Tuesday.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. As the international financial tsunami runs amok, many at home conclude that the country's economy is on a downturn.

amok 英英释义


1. frenzied as if possessed by a demon

    e.g. the soldier was completely amuck
           berserk with grief
           a berserk worker smashing windows

    Synonym: amuck berserk demoniac demoniacal possessed(p)


1. amok

1. in a murderous frenzy

    e.g. rioters running amuck and throwing sticks and bottles and stones

    Synonym: amuck murderously

2. wildly
    without self-control

    e.g. when the restaurant caught fire the patrons ran amuck, blocking the exit

    Synonym: amuck
