
coy [kɔɪ]  [kɔɪ] 



coy 基本解释

形容词腼腆的; 忸怩作态的; 献媚的

coy 相关例句



1. Don't be coy with me about your past record.

2. She is coy of singing.

coy 网络解释


1. 怕羞的:cower 畏缩 | coy 怕羞的 | cozen 欺骗

2. 腼腆的:coxy 骄傲的 | coy 腼腆的 | coyly 害羞地

3. (忸怩的):cheerful(快乐的) | coy(忸怩的) | charming(迷人的)

4. 腼腆的,忸怩的:cow 母牛;威胁 | coy 腼腆的,忸怩的 | crag 悬崖,峭壁

coy 词典解释

1. (对爱情或性爱)害羞的,腼腆的,故作忸怩的,假装害羞的
    A coy person is shy, or pretends to be shy, about love and sex.

    e.g. She is modest without being coy...
    e.g. I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.

She smiled coyly at Algie as he took her hand and raised it to his lips.
The public may once have liked her, but her coyness and flirting now interfere with her interviews.

2. (因愧疚或难为情而)含糊其辞的
    If someone is being coy, they are unwilling to talk about something that they feel guilty or embarrassed about.

    e.g. The hotel are understandably coy about the incident...
    e.g. Mr Alexander is not the slightest bit coy about his ambitions.

The administration coyly refused to put a firm figure on the war's costs.
...their coyness about financial aid.
coy 单语例句

1. Her husband has been coy, quiet and even cheeky about the pregnancy.

2. Thorpe was coy on the chances of a tilt at the 2016 Olympics saying he would " not rule anything out ".

3. Scarlett Johansson is keeping coy about her reported relationship with Justin Timberlake, insisting the press will link them regardless.

4. Soler played it coy on Saturday, referring to a star player who would attract fans to the team's new arena.

5. He has been coy about further visits, saying only that worshipping at Yasukuni would be carefully considered.

6. A trip to the restroom requires crossing an angular arched bridge that spans a serene stream brimming with swimming coy.

coy 英英释义


1. modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures

    e.g. like a wild young colt, very inquisitive but very coy and not to be easily cajoled

2. showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement

    e.g. a politician coy about his intentions

3. affectedly modest or shy especially in a playful or provocative way

    Synonym: demure overmodest
